The Lord Searches Us

After our hearts are cleansed and washed clean, it is not a time to back down. This prayer that you made was a great experience and is the first steps to being led by Christ.

Are You Ready For Judgement?

Those whose hearts are closed off to God’s will, in their life, are on a slippery slope to hell. Unless they open their hearts to God, they will surely die in their sins.

Judgment Day Has Come

As you watched people go before the Lord, on bended knee, they would begin to proclaim all the good things they had done and why they should out weight the negative things.

Love Your Spouse

As you love Jesus also love your spouse. We need to love our spouse as much as we love Him. Let Jesus be the center of your marriage.

Respect The Marriage Bed

To all men and women, understand that if you have an addiction to pornography, it will not get any better in marriage.

Joseph Smith Translation

The Mormons don’t always mention the Joseph Smith Translation (JST) book, per say. However, they do reference it in all their KJV Bible’s.

Repent And Let God Change You

Everyone that does not abide by the commands of God will be punished. To live in your own way of life is also living apart from the Lord and telling Him He does not matter.

The Father’s Great Love

Now, as the prodigal son was getting ready to go to his father, he said, I “am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants.”

Persecution For Righteousness Sake

Surely, there is much rejoicing for those that die in the Lord. So many people have suffered for such a good cause, though it is hard to bear and witness.

Sexual Sin Can Send A Person To Hell

As the Bible teaches, adultery, fornication and pornography is not tolerated with God and therefore, these people will feel the wrath of God in judgement, lest they repent.

Free From Addiction

Addiction is sin and in Christ, these sins are destroyed, that we may follow Him to the fullest. As mentioned, addictions come in all forms but a growing trend among young people is vaping.

Hell And The Lake Of Fire

John prophesied of the white throne judgement. Where “the dead, small and great, stand before God.” Among these people are those in hell.

Our Hope Is In Jesus

Our soul rests on Jesus for salvation. For He is our Savior. Let your hope always be upon Him. For His love is pure and His joy is full.

The Place Of Judgement

As for those people that have either rejected the Lord Jesus in their lives or didn’t show fruits of their faith, they will have a very different outcome, come judgement day.

Utah Mission Trip (10/07/18)

Why is it that God cursed the white people of the Book of Mormon and caused them to have black skin when the God of the Bible doesn’t care about the outside appearance?

The Lord Is Coming

Put Jesus first in your life so that when He returns you will see Him and be joyful. Only His people will be saved in that day.

When I Finally Make It Home

Can you imagine the day when you are taken you up to Heaven to meet Jesus? If this is hard to imagine than come to Jesus. Let His love fill your hearts.

We Give Because God Gave His Life

Speaking of giving, when we give what we have to those that have not, then it is not only doing God’s work but also brings a special feeling in the heart of the giver.