Cancer Is Cured In Jesus’s Name
It was yesterday, a Friday night, that I decided to go evangelizing in that same street corner that I met her. It was there that she saw me once again.
It was yesterday, a Friday night, that I decided to go evangelizing in that same street corner that I met her. It was there that she saw me once again.
There is nothing wrong with doing good on a day that is evil for the world. Why is this? It is because doing this brings the light of Jesus into the world.
With David being king, the enemy continued to fight against him and the kingdom of Israel. Even the Philistines came back again to wage war against David, in order to take the kingdom for themselves once and for all.
God opened up my eyes to see His Second Coming in a dream. It was then that the rapture began for His elect.
To willfully sin and then justify our actions does not mean it is right. God is warning these people to repent while there is time.
If anyone tells you they saw God the Father, do not listen to them. Even Jesus said that nobody has seen Him, but only the Son.
Are you a natural man or woman or spiritual man or woman on earth? You are a spiritual person only if God is leading you.
Since Jesus became the last sacrifice for sin, we are no longer under the law, which was our schoolmaster before He came to earth.
It is important that we continue seeking and doing God’s will daily. Not just for a season, but until our last breath.
We are all called by God differently, but still, we walk in the unity of the faith. Uplifting those around us with love and peace.
Remember to stand strong in the Lord Jesus daily. Only by doing this, will you be not led astray by the doctrines of men.
We are capable of living a life pleasing to God, but only if we allow the Holy Spirit to move in each of our lives.
The deadliest sin of this generation is pornography. Do not let it ruin your life, but run to Jesus for forgiveness instead.
False teachers need to be called out, in order to lead them and others to Jesus. Only He can open their eyes and save them.
In the upcoming future, those who got the mark of the beast will see God’s wrath poured out upon them in person.
The moment you put your trust in Jesus, a life change begins. You are not only saved but are now made different from within.
Living for Jesus leads us to be with Him in heaven, while willfully sinning leads us to be tormented in the lake of fire.
Every person has free will in the life they want to live. However, only through our obedience to God will we be saved.
The moment our hearts are open to telling people about Jesus, God is able to speak through us.
God’s tabernacle may not be on earth but in heaven, however, this does not mean that His laws are not important for our lives.