Heartfelt Prayers To God

I pray that you will understand the need of getting yourselves right with God and eventually put the Lord Jesus at the head of your lives.

Faith Without God’s Will Is Dead Faith

It is clear that our faith without doing God’s works in our lives is not faith at all. When our desires matter more than others, then God does not really matter in our life also.

The Last Prophesy Of Revelation

After getting such an amazing description of the New Jerusalem, which is on the new Earth, it is easy to blown away by all of this.

New Heaven And New Earth

As John mentioned above, the bride of Christ will come down from the new heaven and upon the new earth.

The Millennium, War, And Judgement

In John’s vision, he also saw people be given thrones in heaven and even the ability to judge. He also saw the people that were beheaded, because of their faith in Christ.

The Great Whore

In this vision, John could see that judgement was poured out upon this woman in purple and scarlet, of which sat upon a scarlet beast.

Sin Hardens Our Hearts To God

The thing about sin is it is detrimental to our lives and our walk with God. Because it hardens our hearts to God and leads us to do things that are wicked, His presence is no longer in our lives either to protect us.

A New Life In Christ

The reason why it is possible for us to live a different life is because the Lord God is working through us.

Willful Sin

With every willful sinner in this world, we know that only few of them will come to Jesus about their sins in prayer and repent.


As I speak these things, as do Paul, “I trust that ye shall know that we are not reprobates.” We know the dangers of living in sin and not in the purity of God’s love and are here to warn you.


Please understand that God hates every form of sexual sin. It truly is vile and wicked in every form imaginable

Joseph Smith And His Life Of Polygamy

In order to know the truth of Joseph Smith or expose him for what he really is, we will look at four things that stem from his practice of polygamy that easily proves that fact.