Sexual Sin
The Bible teaches, “thou shalt not commit adultery”. However, It is more than having sex with someone that is married, that is not our spouse.
The Bible teaches, “thou shalt not commit adultery”. However, It is more than having sex with someone that is married, that is not our spouse.
Anybody involved in the homosexual lifestyle, which is sin, needs to repent and get right with God as soon as possible.
This is a wicked and adulterous generation and this sin of homosexuality is sending millions of people straight to hell when they die.
My friends, if people are homosexual, then they have allowed the devil to lead them on the path of destruction.
The definition of effeminate or malakos, in greek, is the passive male partner in homosexual intercourse–‘homosexual‘.
Once we all realize that that sins, mentioned in the Bible, are wrong, it is good to turn from it and repent.
Only through Jesus can homosexuals understand that their actions are so vile and sinful in the sight of God and repent.
Homosexuality is of the devil. They need to repent and become straight through the help of Jesus, lest they die and go to hell.
Those who are part of the LGBTQ or are a supporter of these wicked homosexual practices will be destroyed when Jesus returns.
“Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor
Homosexuals will be judged for the abominations they committed while on earth. Only if they repent will they escape hell.
Pride month is of the devil. One day every homosexual will have to give an account to God, while first suffering in hell.
People who are lifted up in their pride, like the LGBTQ, do not seek God’s will. Humility is what they need to be changed.
There are only two genders, male and female. Only men and women can come together and procreate the earth with children.
If there was one word that God labels a person that is a porn watcher, it is an “ADULTERER”. This word truly suits the person well and should convict them of their wrong doings.
Earlier I described the different parts of sexual sin. However, this does not exclude people that participate in or go to sex clubs or bars that promote forms of sexual sin.
God has spoken out against people who are committing adultery. This goes for not only people that are having affairs, but those people that are having sex outside of marriage, or looking at pornography.
Standing up for gay rights goes against what the Bible says. Homosexuals are not children of God and saying that they are is wrong.
A big reason why so many people are homosexual and looking at porn. It is because they are not abiding in the light of Jesus.
Every homosexual needs Jesus in order to be transformed. Pastors also need to step up and speak out against this grievous sin.
Hell is filling up daily. All willful sinners and people with false beliefs are heading there now. Only Jesus can save them.
Sexual sin is destroying marriages, our relationship with our spouse, and more importantly our relationship with God, who saves.
If people would be more open to share the gospel message with people, the Lord would use them for His glory.
Whoredoms are promiscuous sexual activity and sexual acts that are against natural affection. This is working iniquity!
If you are meek in the sight of God, then you are saved. These people are humble and submissive to the things of God.
Calling all people who claims to be part of the LGBTQ community to repentance. You are giving into the temptations of the devil.
Only fake Christians celebrate pride month with the LGBTQ. These are those who are unsaved and are lost in their sinful state.
Who are the people who are not going to heaven? These are those who are fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, homosexuals…
Among the people we live with everyday are those that lie for their own gain. Sometimes for a laugh and other times to manipulate another.
If you were to keep God’s commandments and have them “continually upon thine heart, and tie them about thy neck”, then this issue with adultery would not be a problem at all.