We are to come humbly before God. Seek Him and He will supply your needs. Don’t exalt yourself in your own pride.
Inspirations (04-2020)
Today’s Inspiration (04/29/2020)
God sends His messengers in order to warn people of the wrath to come. However, only those that listen and follow Jesus are saved.
Today’s Inspiration (04/28/2020)
I will live and die for the Lord. Jesus is why I have breath, so I live this life knowing that one day I will be with Him in heaven.
Today’s Inspiration (04/27/2020)
When we are moved by what the Bible says, our desire to obey God and share His truths with others is increased in a new way.
Today’s Inspiration (04/26/2020)
If you are far from God, there is still hope for you. Simply humble yourself and pray to God, and He will come to your rescue.
Today’s Inspiration (04/25/2020)
It is in times of war and temptation, that we need to confide in God in prayer. Allow Him to guide you and not your own flesh.
Today’s Inspiration (04/24/2020)
The time for keeping endless genealogies was done away with, with the Old Law. We now live for Christ each day, while in the faith.
Today’s Inspiration (04/23/2020)
If you have fallen away from Jesus, please return back to the Lord today. His mercy is for those that come unto Him.
Today’s Inspiration (04/22/2020)
Are you born again? If you are, then God has given you eyes to see and He is working in you now. Just don’t let the light go dim.
Today’s Inspiration (04/21/2020)
An Abortion is sacrificing children for people’s own selfish benefit. This is an abomination to God and His anger is upon them.
Today’s Inspiration (04/20/2020)
Heaven is going to be a beautiful place for every true believer in Christ. So keep living for Jesus until your very last breathe.
Today’s Inspiration (04/19/2020)
If you start to obey God’s commands, then why not continue? Don’t go against God, for there are consequences to these actions.
Today’s Inspiration (04/18/2020)
If you begin to follow Jesus, but then turn away from Him, I pray that you will repent and come back, while you still have breath.
Today’s Inspiration (04/17/2020)
Even If we live many years for the Lord, but then depart from it because of our sins or unbelief, our salvation is lost in death.
Today’s Inspiration (04/16/2020)
When people begin to look to God in faith, this is when He gives us eyes to see the evildoers and who ought to repent.
Today’s Inspiration (04/15/2020)
Please consider being baptized if you have not already. This is when you put on Christ and obtain the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Today’s Inspiration (04/14/2020)
People do many wicked things when they are not raised with God in their home. This changes when children are raised up to know God.
Today’s Inspiration (04/13/2020)
Do not willfully sin against God. This causes His wrath to fall down upon you. Even sickness and disease may come from this.
Today’s Inspiration (04/12/2020)
Jesus is alive. He rose from the dead the third day. We worship a living God who loves us so much and hears all of our prayers.
Today’s Inspiration (04/11/2020)
Jesus died for our sins on the cross. Because of His sacrifice, those that believe in Him and confess their sins are forgiven.
Today’s Inspiration (04/10/2020)
God will keep you safe in times of war and disease. Draw near unto the Lord in prayer and He will fight your battles with you.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (04/09/2020)
I am on FIRE for Jesus. My faith in Christ has been increased this night while witnessing. He is my light and my strength!
Today’s Inspiration (04/09/2020)
We can judge righteously, but only if God is with us. So seek the Lord with all your heart, and you will be able to be used by Him.
Today’s Inspiration (04/08/2020)
True prophets speak for God and tell everyone to follow Jesus, our Lord. False prophets deliver their own word and say follow me.
Today’s Inspiration (04/07/2020)
People of faith that will be remembered are those that lived for Jesus, while being a great witness for Christ, even until death.
Today’s Inspiration (04/06/2020)
Don’t get upset when your faults are found out by a person in the faith, but use this moment to confess your sins before God.
Today’s Inspiration (04/05/2020)
Do more than just say you believe in Jesus, but do His will also. Make time for God and He will be found in everything You do.
Today’s Inspiration (04/04/2020)
Every idol needs to be removed and destroyed in our lives. Do not keep such things with you, but remove them entirely for God.
Today’s Inspiration (04/03/2020)
People that fight against God and His people will not prevail. In death, the wicked will have to face hell and Jesus in judgment.
Today’s Inspiration (04/02/2020)
To be able to buy or sell is not worth getting the mark of the beast. Blessings in heaven are worth more than comfort on earth.
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