The mark of the beast is coming around the corner. Stand tall, as Christians, and don’t let the world deceive you into getting it.
Inspirations (03-2020)
Today’s Inspiration (03/30/2020)
Giving in to your lust and looking at pornography is not allowing Jesus to work in your life. What is most important to you?
Today’s Inspiration (03/29/2020)
Sexual sin causes people to transgress against God. This includes homosexuality, pornography, fornication, and adultery.
Today’s Inspiration (03/28/2020)
It is good to hearken unto the counsel of good Christians. We do this, also asking God to affirm the counsel we have been given.
Today’s Inspiration (03/27/2020)
God’s wisdom takes what we already know to the next level. What God gives us through the Bible and prayer is food for the soul.
Today’s Inspiration (03/26/2020)
Every sacrificial offering ended when Jesus died for our sins on the cross. He is the Lamb of God and shed His blood for us all.
Today’s Inspiration (03/25/2020)
The cure to the coronavirus is for people to humble themselves, pray, seek God’s face, and to turn from their wicked ways.
Today’s Inspiration (03/24/2020)
What is important is that we pray to God. There is no need to be in a certain place or pray in a certain direction any longer.
Today’s Inspiration (03/23/2020)
Give praise to the Lord. Sing mightily, for the Lord Jesus has come to save us. Give thanks, for God’s mercy endures forever.
Today’s Inspiration (03/22/2020)
It is important that we read the Bible, that we may be set on God’s teachings and not the teachings of men, which are deceitful.
Today’s Inspiration (03/21/2020)
As Christians, we are workers of God. We do as He instructs us and walk in His holiness. The Lord is our rock and firm foundation.
Today’s Inspiration (03/20/2020)
Become a willing servant for God. Volunteer to serve Him, even before asked upon by others. Listen and obey the Lord at all times.
Today’s Inspiration (03/19/2020)
God desires that we put our trust in Him. We do this by acknowledging Him in prayer often and asking the Lord for assistance.
Today’s Inspiration (03/18/2020)
All offerings and tithes to the Lord’s church should always be given with a willing heart. Do not give grudgingly or to stand out.
Today’s Inspiration (03/17/2020)
It is God who gives us courage and makes us strong. Serve Him with all your heart and a willing mind, and you will be blessed.
Today’s Inspiration (03/16/2020)
You may very well be led by Satan if the Holy Spirit is not in you. Therefore, read the Bible daily and do as God says instead.
Today’s Inspiration (03/15/2020)
I trust in the Lord, for He is my shield and my fortress. I am not afraid of this virus outbreak, for God is my protector.
Today’s Inspiration (03/14/2020)
What will you be remembered by, one day, when you pass on to the grave? More importantly, will Jesus know You in judgment?
Today’s Inspiration (03/13/2020)
Every true believer of Jesus has nothing to fear with the coronavirus. However, God’s wrath is upon the wicked, lest they repent.
Today’s Inspiration (03/12/2020)
How can we listen and obey God and not praise Him in worship? How can we honor and praise God and not listen and obey Him?
Today’s Inspiration (03/11/2020)
God wants to give everyone a role in His church. Submit yourself to Him and You will have many opportunities to serve Him.
Today’s Inspiration (03/10/2020)
The Lord God gives us rest and makes our burdens light. This way we are not stressed, but made ready to serve Him and do His will.
Today’s Inspiration (03/09/2020)
God has preserved His Word in the King James Bible. Don’t use other translations, of which add or take away from God’s Word.
Today’s Inspiration (03/08/2020)
As believers, Jesus wants to do many great works through us. Our faith in Christ is realized when we begin to do as He says.
Today’s Inspiration (03/07/2020)
Live your life for Jesus and obey His commands. Then, will you be able to enter the gates of heaven and eat from the tree of life.
Today’s Inspiration (03/06/2020)
If you are in sin, then repent! God’s punishments are upon the wicked, but he saves those people whom he forgives.
Today’s Inspiration (03/05/2020)
God knows who is doing things with what He gives them and who is not. People will be blessed or punished by what they do.
Today’s Inspiration (03/04/2020)
Seek God first in your life, then you will begin to know what is good and bad to watch on TV, while knowing what to listen to.
Today’s Inspiration (03/03/2020)
Continue to show love and kindness towards everyone, even though some people may not appreciate it and cause a scene.
Today’s Inspiration (03/02/2020)
Are you an imitator of Christ or the world? Think about your way of life and if you are not right in the sight of God, then repent.
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