What would you do for Jesus? Are you willing to respond to His call, no matter what the circumstance at hand?
Today’s Inspiration (02/23/2019)
Don’t ever think a person is in sin just because of their illness. Instead, pray. You don’t know what the person is going through.
Today’s Inspiration #3 (02/22/2019)
Did you know that every time a person looks at porn, they are also committing adultery? This very serious. Repent, if this is you.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (02/22/2019)
Hell is very real. All vile sinners, believers in word only, along with all unbelievers will be cast into the lake of fire.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (02/22/2019)
Come unto Jesus and repent of all your sins. The Lord God has the living waters and wants to lead you by the Holy Spirit.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (02/21/2019)
I have seen and heard Jesus. He is alive and working inside of us today! I am just one of the many witnesses of His resurrection.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (02/21/2019)
When the Lord God abides with me, my heart burns within me. My heart is set on fire and I can do all things through Him.
Today’s Inspiration (02/20/2019)
Jesus taught that in heaven, couples that were married on earth are no longer. Things will be different, but in a very good way.
Today’s Inspiration #3 (02/19/2019)
Earlier today I was able to help reignite a friend’s faith and walk with Christ. Through much love, I was able to search her heart and lead her back to following the Lord again, through...
Today’s Inspiration #2 (02/19/2019)
In order for our faith to be renewed and come alive again, all our sins must be given over to God. Nothing can be held back.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (02/19/2019)
What is holding you back from going all in with God? Is there a specific sin that is in the closet that God needs to cast out?
Today’s Inspiration #2 (02/18/2019)
There are some demons that will only come out through prayer and fasting. That is why fasting is so important to every Christian.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (02/18/2019)
Satan wants to test and try us, but none of this will prevail with Jesus in our lives. Seek His hand and you shall be protected.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (02/17/2019)
Friends in the faith can truly make a difference when life is on the rocks. Thank you Lord for mine.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (02/17/2019)
Prayer really helps when times are hard. I give it to God for bringing such faithful friends to pray over me.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (02/16/2019)
There are things that God hates. One of them is abortion. For every unborn baby killed is also shedding innocent blood.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (02/16/2019)
There is no Christian in their right mind that would ever have an abortion. For they should know that this an abomination to God.
Today’s Inspiration (02/15/2019)
This has been a very hard day. Emotions have been all over the place. All I know is that God, my family and friend’s love helps.
Today’s Inspiration (02/14/2019)
John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus. As the word of the Lord came unto Him, he fulfilled it in total submission to God.
Today’s Inspiration (02/13/2019)
Jesus suffered and died for our sins, while on the cross. He did it all for us, that we might be forgiven by His blood.
Today’s Inspiration (02/12/2019)
Joseph Smith was a False Prophet, Pedophile, Polygamist and an Adulterer. He even married a mother and her daughter. Beware!
Today’s Inspiration (02/11/2019)
Will You follow Jesus till the end? If you believe now, learn to devote Your time to the Lord. This is true faith with meaning.
Today’s Inspiration (02/10/2019)
Many people believe in Jesus but do not follow Him. If they did, then they would also be His witnesses and be used by Him.
Today’s Inspiration #3 (02/09/2019)
Pray that God may lead you out of temptation. In your confessions, ask that He free you from any sins that is holding you back.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (02/09/2019)
All of us have something in our lives that God hates. You know what this is as much as He does, so turn from it today.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (02/09/2019)
Though it is hard to see someone die, it is much easier to deal with, knowing that the person had faith in and followed Jesus.
Today’s Inspiration #4 (02/08/2019)
I don’t always know what to say but when I trust in God, He opens my mouth and speaks through me. There is no more fear or doubt.
Today’s Inspiration #3 (02/08/2019)
When Jesus comes into our lives all we want to do His follow Him and have more and more of His holiness in our lives.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (02/08/2019)
Oh how I love Jesus. The Lord is my life and gives me every reason to live. I have so much hope because of His sacrifice for sins.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (02/08/2019)
The praise of Jesus, my Lord, is in my heart and soul all the day long. And when speaking to people His love shines forth.
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