To be a witness for Jesus is the most gratifying thing for my life. I am so uplifted and my faith in Christ is elevated.
Inspirations (03-2019)
Today’s Inspiration (03/30/2019)
We are not to be found judging others, for all judgement is in the hands of the Lord Jesus and not for man to decide.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (03/29/2019)
The Holy Spirit is able to lead a person of faith to do things that are not possible on their own. This is for the glory of God.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (03/29/2019)
The Bible is the greatest book of all time. Nothing is greater, for it was written by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Today’s Inspiration (03/28/2019)
It is only the bitterness in people that makes them not hear God and reject His teachings. An open heart will change everything.
Today’s Inspiration (03/27/2019)
When times are hard, look to the Lord God for guidance. Seeking His hand is the only way to find true comfort when we need it most.
Today’s Inspiration (03/26/2019)
Even when things are going great with your life and with God, be careful not to lift up yourself in your pride but in God alone.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (03/25/2019)
We witness in order to open the eyes of the lost to the cross of Jesus and His resurrection, that they may be forgiven.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (03/25/2019)
When our blinders come off, we will finally see the truth of the gospel of Jesus and be set free from the power of sin and death.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (03/24/2019)
If you are a witness for Jesus, then you will know that great opportunities and miracles will take place, along with persecution.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (03/24/2019)
Nobody said being a witness for Christ would be easy. However, it is worth it when we can be a part of the lost being saved.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (03/23/2019)
You are not a true Christian unless you are doing what Jesus says. So read the Bible daily and start being obedient to God.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (03/23/2019)
A Christian is not only a believer in Jesus but also a doer of the Word. So how can we do this if we do not read the Bible daily?
Today’s Inspiration #2 (03/22/2019)
The promised Messiah has come down in the flesh to save us all from our sins. His Name is Jesus, and through Him we are saved.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (03/22/2019)
We are so blessed to have Jesus come down and pay the price for our sins on the cross. He has opened the doors to salvation.
Today’s Inspiration (03/21/2019)
Every person will be resurrected from the dead. After that, heaven or hell will be our destination. Are you ready?
Today’s Inspiration #2 (03/20/2019)
Before you turn on the TV, think to yourself, have I given myself to God yet? Don’t you think God deserves your time as well?
Today’s Inspiration #1 (03/20/2019)
We easily get off track if we ingest our lives with TV instead of the Bible and prayer. This is starving us from the Holy Spirit.
Today’s Inspiration (03/19/2019)
If you have not given your life to Jesus, then do so today. May this be the day of your salvation in Christ the Lord.
Today’s Inspiration (03/18/2019)
Christians are not excluded from trials. Instead, in prayer, God bears us up during these hard times and strengthens our lives.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (03/17/2019)
Every believer of Jesus also becomes a child of God. This faith allows us to have a deep relationship with the Lord.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (03/17/2019)
Our outcomes are secure in our trust in Jesus. He holds our lives in His hands and is our guide until the end of time.
Today’s Inspiration (03/16/2019)
The best time we have in the day is while reading the Bible and in prayer with the Lord God. Have you made time for God today?
Today’s Inspiration #2 (03/15/2019)
Spend time with God in prayer. Allow the Spirit to lead the way. We need to know the way in this life to be secure in our faith.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (03/15/2019)
Wouldn’t you rather be led by the Spirit of God than to be led by your own desires? There is either salvation or destruction.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (03/14/2019)
Don’t stay up late the day before church, but instead be well rested, ready to learn and grow in the faith. God knows the heart.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (03/14/2019)
In church, God can see that we are not sincere when we don’t pay attention to the message, but instead do things on our phones.
Today’s Inspiration (03/13/2019)
Follow the teachings of the Bible daily and remember to compare and contrast your own beliefs with what the Word of God says.
Today’s Inspiration (03/12/2019)
In life, I leave all things up to God and where He wants to lead me. I will go and do whatever He has for me. His ways are my ways
Today’s Inspiration (03/11/2019)
Be humble and teachable before God and those in the faith. In this, we will grow in our knowledge and become a better witness.
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