Flee from every appearance of evil and unto the Lord God, that Satan and his demons may no longer have any power over you.
Inspirations (01-2019)
Today’s Inspiration #2 (01/30/2019)
I will do anything for Jesus, including die for Him. For He is my Lord, my God, my everything.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (01/30/2019)
There are religious people and then there are Christians who truly love the Lord. True believers also live out their faith.
Today’s Inspiration (01/29/2019)
Come unto Jesus and do His will. No matter what He has for you, know that it is more important than anything else you can do.
Today’s Inspiration (01/28/2019)
All believers in God that do His will are equal. A person that has been a Christian longer does not mean more blessings given.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (01/27/2019)
Truly our hope in Christ will move us to not only live a righteous life but to also show His same love towards everyone around us.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (01/27/2019)
Jesus Christ is our Lord God and Savior. He is our only hope. Put your trust in Him and all things will work out for the good.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (01/26/2019)
The Lord God has the power to cleanse us of all sin. This includes pornography, adultery, drugs, alcohol and anything else.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (01/26/2019)
As I allow the Lord to create in me a clean heart, please allow Him to do the same for you. We need the Holy Spirit to lead us.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (01/25/2019)
Peter, James and John were able to see the glory of their Lord Jesus. It was amazing for them to see their God in all His splendor.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (01/25/2019)
Jesus was transfigured before Peter, James and John and was no longer just a man but God. His glory shown forth before them.
Today’s Inspiration (01/24/2019)
The Bible teaches that Jesus is our Creator, not the brother of Lucifer. We cannot become Gods as there is only one God.
Today’s Inspiration (01/23/2019)
There is a sense of urgency to get things right before God. If you delay the day of your repentance, then tomorrow may not come.
Today’s Inspiration #5 (01/22/2019)
Abortion is an abomination to God. Anyone involved with this is in a lot of trouble with God. His wrath is upon them. Lest these people repent, Hell is their destination.
Today’s Inspiration #4 (01/22/2019)
It brings me to tears to think of all the babies being killed every day in abortion. Surely God’s wrath is upon such people that participate in these murderous acts.
Today’s Inspiration #3 (01/22/2019)
There might just be one specific sin that needs to be removed from your life before God can truly start moving in your life.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (01/22/2019)
Live your life for Jesus now. Don’t delay. You don’t know when you will die or when the Lord will return.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (01/22/2019)
If you know that God has convicted you of a specific sin, don’t sit on it, but repent and allow Him to remove it from your life.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (01/21/2019)
Allow God to move you to be more hospitable and loving towards one another. This is the love of the Lord shining through us.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (01/21/2019)
If a family member is poor and needs a place to stay, do not push them away, but open your doors to them, for thus saith the Lord.
Today’s Inspiration (01/20/2019)
The Lord Jesus is coming and His wrath is upon the wicked. If they do not repent, they will be utterly destroyed in that day.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (01/19/2019)
Living for the Lord Jesus is much better than doing anything the world offers. Every true believer knows this to be true.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (01/19/2019)
Being in God’s will should never be compromised. Don’t allow sin to take away your drive from following Him.
Today’s Inspiration (01/18/2019)
Come to know the Lord today. Then, you will be forgiven and come to truly praise the Lord God, for all His goodness and grace.
Today’s Inspiration (01/17/2019)
Every person that believes and loves the Lord Jesus, is redeemed through His blood. He suffered that we might be saved.
Today’s Inspiration #4 (01/16/2019)
Who is it for I to boast in myself? If I boast, it is only in the Lord Jesus, who saves. To Him be the glory and the honor.
Today’s Inspiration #3 (01/16/2019)
Though we may be all in for Christ, our humility still must shine through. We lift up the Lord and not ourselves for vain glory.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (01/16/2019)
My greatest joy of all is to share the love of Jesus with the world. I desire that all people will come unto Him and be saved.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (01/16/2019)
The Lord God came down from the heavens, in the name of Jesus. He is from the root of Jesse and is our Mighty God and Father.
Today’s Inspiration (01/15/2019)
As the righteous enjoy being in the light of Jesus, the wicked do not want anything to do with it. It actually causes them to fear.
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