Before I was saved, I decided that I wanted to follow the truth of God and not man. I did not want to be deceived. The Bible led me to God’s truth.
Inspirations (01-2018)
Today’s Inspiration #2 (01/08/2018)
How many of you spend more time on your phone, computer or watching TV, then you do with God? Know that these things can be idols.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (01/08/2018)
For one day, keep your TV off. While on your phone or computer, use it to read the Bible or share your faith with others./January 8, 2018/
Today’s Inspiration (01/07/2018)
You can know that Jesus is Lord by reading the Bible and praying. The Word of God pierces our hearts and leads us to confession.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (01/05/2018)
If you avoid reading the Bible, your heart will become far from God. Praying all you want, won’t be enough to know Him.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (01/05/2018)
Can you really tell me that you know God, in your life, without reading the Bible? You are misguided, if this is your belief.
Today’s Inspiration (01/04/2018)
What is contained in the Bible, is the Word of God. God speaks through every word. Believe in Jesus and you shall find truth.
Today’s Inspiration (01/03/2018)
Live unto God and not unto the flesh. Don’t let your sins take control of your life but let the Lord give you freedom.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (01/01/2018)
I can’t believe it is 2018. This new year, my goal is to allow the Lord to lead me in all things. His commands are my delight.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (01/01/2018)
If you are a true Christian than there will not be prolonged, unrepentant sin in your life. There is no faith, if this is the case.
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