God’s Righteousness Is Imputed Upon Us
God’s righteousness is imputed upon us when we fully believe that Jesus died for our sins and also rose from the dead.
God’s righteousness is imputed upon us when we fully believe that Jesus died for our sins and also rose from the dead.
We have all sinned before a righteous God. But when we come unto Jesus with a sincere heart, we are justified and made clean.
If we judge one another wrongfully, those same judgment calls are upon our own heads. Therefore, seek God’s guidance in all things.
Our peace comes from God. Pray when things are going south in your life. He will bring a smile to your face and start leading you.
Praise be to God for people who witness the truths of Jesus, no matter the situation they are in. Great are their rewards in heaven.
Will you be found on God’s right or left hand on the day of judgment? Where you stand will determine if you are saved on not.
The wicked and the righteous shall both be resurrected. But only those in Christ shall be saved, while others will be punished.
The gift of the Holy Spirit comes after baptism through prayer. But can only abide in us if we continue to obey God afterward.
Those that call upon the name of the Lord and are baptized, their sins are also washed away. We are now a new person in Christ Jesus.
Be led by the Holy Spirit and not the ways of the flesh. Doing God’s will is always better than doing what we think is right.
If a person was not baptized, in order to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, they need to be rebaptized. This is God’s way.
When we give into sexual sin, we sin against God. Therefore, run from it all costs, while running into the arms of the Father instead.
One day, death will come to the best of us, no matter what we try to do to stop it. Our spirits will return to God who formed us.
Those who brought people unto Jesus throughout their lifetime will be greatly rewarded. They will be like unto the stars of heaven.
Real faith in Jesus brings on a life change also. Where the Holy Spirit now reigns supreme in our lives.
Dedicate your life to serve God. Allow the Lord to work through you and tell people about Jesus. This is unto salvation.
To any person who is suffering and on the verge of dying, if you are in Christ, there is paradise and a never-ending peace to come.
Every good judgment call upon people’s lives is from the Lord. Sure, we can judge righteously as Jesus said, but this can only be done if the Lord is with us.
God does not dwell in temples made with hands. Therefore, building up a temple for God, as Mormons do, is wrong and uncalled for.
When people desire to be saved, we tell them to believe in Jesus, our Lord. Then, we bring them to the waters of baptism.
Believers are to abstain from idolatry, fornication, and the eating of meat that is strangled or if the blood is not cooked out.
Every statue made for men needs to be destroyed. These are all idols, which goes against God. Only the Lord deserves the glory.
Once saved always saved is one of the worst false teachings. It alone is sending millions of people to hell when they die.
Jesus holds living water, which is necessary to be saved. True worshippers know this and worship the Father in Spirit and truth.