Obey The Commandments And Obtain Life

Please understand that “riches profit not in the day of wrath.” Why build up a life of wealth and security for this life, when it will all, one day, come to dust?

Who Do You Trust For Answers?

Why put your trust in the things of this world that will soon shrivel up and turn to dust one day? These things will eventually fail you, if it is not in God.

God Answers Our Prayers

I know that God answers our prayers. Not only did He do this for me today but countless other times over the years.

Bible Study And Prayer

Be Leary about attending any Bible study where prayer is not emphasized. We never want to be led astray by men and women’s own understanding avoid from God.

Jesus Is The Last High Priest

Hebrews 4:1416 (KJV) 14 Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. 15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like

Finished My Study On Proverbs

I give God praise for working through me in these last five months of reading and studying Proverbs. I have gained so much knowledge and wisdom from each passage of scripture.

Finished My Study On Ecclesiastes

I am blessed to have finished my study on Ecclesiastes. It was a blessing to read from God’s Word and understand how so much in this world is vanity.

Finished My Study On Psalms

Praise God. After a year of studying and writing on Psalms, I just finished the last devotional message today with Psalm 150.

Thanks To Our Lord On High

Lord, Your love has restored my life. I am made clean through Your mercy. Thank You for suffering for our sins.

The Truth Shall Set You Free

I pray that we will come to know Jesus Christ personally. That we be no longer hearers only but doers of what God has for our lives.