There are many excuses that Mormons have for not talking to Christians in person or over a call/video. They claim they don’t want to waste their time. Meaning, they feel they already have the truth, the true Church, so nothing we say will ever help them. In saying this, they admit to being hard-hearted towards God and His people. If there is a Mormons so bold as to talk to Christians most of them will only give them a few minutes of their time. Often they want to say what is on their mind and have no reason to hear or remember what they have told them. They do this in order to avoid learning from religious people but from within their walls. This is their motto. And one thing that Mormons really hate is when Christians know their Bible and use Bible verses with them that prove their teachings false. They call this Bible bashing. Not only this, but they will tell you that this is one reason they won’t have a discussion with you. I’ve been told this many times in my encounters with Mormon missionaries. So if you don’t know the scriptures, they are just fine with that. This is because you are then unable to see their lies. These are wolves coming in to scatter the sheep.
There are genuine Mormons out there that are seeking the truth. These people have fewer excuses and actually have adult conversations with Christians, with the intent to learn. These conversations can last over an hour, which I’ve experienced many times while talking to Mormons. I’ve even talked to Mormon missionaries that wanted to research what I was telling them, and later came back for another discussion with answers they found on that topic. This shows they have the heart to learn. Is that desire from their own studies or with Christians? This is still to be determined. So what is the percentage of Mormons that hear the good of the gospel from Christians that come out of it and are saved? Unfortunately, the percentage is low, as most people that do leave are not better off, while becoming an atheist. Jesus spoke of the one in the ninety and nine that comes to faith. ” say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.” (Luke 15:7) This is why I witness to Mormons. Even to see one person resign, and then see them give their lives over to follow Jesus for salvation. Amen.
Let us pray:
Oh Lord, I pray that Mormons will stop giving excuses for not talking to Christians. We are only trying to lead them to You, Jesus. Do they not realize that people outside of their religious structure may actually have the truth from God? It will take a lot for these people to admit this and then listen to us when we witness to them. However, I still have hope that this will happen. Thank You, God, for all the amazing conversations I’ve had with Mormons these many years. It is wonderful to hear them admit that they are wrong, while agreeing with teachings from the Bible. Out of the thousands of Mormons I have talked to these many years, dozens of Mormons have answered the call like this. Thank You, Jesus. But I am not happy about any of them coming out of Mormonism and to atheism. This wouldn’t be any better for the sake of their souls. Therefore, I pray that these people will unlearn what is false and learn what is true, while turning to You, Jesus for salvation. There is true forgiveness after being in a cult that does not save. There is forgiveness for believing in a false Jesus that doesn’t know them. I know this to be true, as You have saved me, Lord. I love You, Jesus. Amen.