Ephesians 1 :3,4 (KJV)
3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:
4 According as he hath chosen...
Day: August 17, 2019
Today’s Inspiration #3 (08/17/2019)
Seek Jesus each day and allow His holiness to penetrate your life. Only then can you be used by Him to reach the lost.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (08/17/2019)
Seek what is pure and holy in the Lord. Then God will respond and send the Holy Spirit to direct your life.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (08/17/2019)
Is Jesus the answer to your problems or is there a substitute in your life? Examine who comes first and respond accordingly.
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