Oh Lord, I pray that people will begin to fear You and no longer walk willfully in their sins. Even people that say they are Christian, I pray that they will stand for what is...
Day: August 4, 2019
Leviticus 20:13
Leviticus 20 :13 (KJV)
13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall...
Today’s Inspiration #2 (08/04/2019)
We are living in a very sinful and perverse generation. Stand your ground against the LGBT community and fight for Jesus.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (08/04/2019)
Since the beginning of time, homosexuality was and still is an abomination to God. God’s wrath is upon such people.
God’s Wrath Is Upon the LGBTQ Community
There is so much corruption in the world we live in. This is because people’s defenses are down. Satan has taken a great hold of them and is leading them, one by one, on a path to destruction.
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