Lord I pray that every believer will continue in the faith, even until the end. May they never lose hope in Your promises. Lead us from temptation, so that Satan will not have a hold of our lives. Help us have courage to fight against all fear and doubt. Build us up, so that persecution will not lead us away from You but only make us stronger. It is a blessing to believe in You and to follow You, Lord. Even unto the ends of the earth, will I go. Whatever You would have me, I will do it. I am Your servant and to do Your will brings me the greatest joy of all. You are my delight and I love You. When I seek You, there is so much I learn. Your counsel is so wise that it is hard to take it all in. It helps when I just sit and ponder upon Your words, that they may sink deep inside my soul. Yes Lord, I am grateful to know You and to be forgiven. Thank You for taking upon Yourself my sins. I am so blessed to have Your blood cover me. I am no longer covered in sin but am surrounded by Your love. You are so kind and also so just. You could have given up on me a long time ago, but Your hope remained. Thank You Lord. For You, I will do all things. I can’t wait for the day to be with You, forever in heaven. All my days will I serve You and praise Your holy Name, for You are worthy. Nothing is more glorious than to be in Your presence. All the praises to You, Jesus. I say these things in Your Name. Amen.
Today’s Prayer (01/17/2019)
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