Consequences To Alcohol

Solomon continued to say, “Let not thine heart envy sinners.” It is unwise to want what they have. It also very foolish to be partakers in their same sins.

After Death Comes The Judgement

Those that die in their faith, have done more than just believe. They have realized that faith without works is dead and therefore did as God’s Word says.

Live For God And Live

The Lord is looking for a few good men and women to fight for His cause. We can either be His disciples or lay down in our pride.

Christians Can Be Deceived

As hard times come to all believers in Christ, our daily prayers, Bible study, fellowship with other believers, and doing God’s will, will be our refuge in the storms.


What foolishness, to blatantly fall into sin, when you know better. Don’t people realize that such things causes a rift between them and God?

Keep God’s Commandments

If we are seeking God and allowing His love into our lives, then we will love as He loves. However, our own love is temporary and does not make a lasting difference in a person’s life.

Out Of Bethlehem, The Ruler Has Come

So with all prophesies, they need to be tested, in order to know if they are true. So we test the prophesy given to Micah with the coming of the Lord Jesus.

The Lord Is My Light And I Love Him

If there was one thing I wish all the world could know is that Jesus can change their lives. They may think that they don’t need Him, for they are content with what they know and have, but they are wrong.

The Root Of Jesse

To help us understand who has the characteristics of being mighty in all works, our counselor and judge, we will look to another verse from Isaiah.

God Cleansed Me Of All My Sins

Now myself and David have a lot in common. We both lusted after women and commit adultery, in the meantime. I was also big into looking at pornography.

God Delivers Us

We need to be fervent in prayer and let the Lord direct our lives. Only through God can we be delivered from sin. Seek Him and He will never let you go.

Cross Dressing Is An Abomination To God

What does the Bible say about abominations to God and what is sinful in His eyes? Well, today we will look into two passages of scripture, in order to answer this question.

Secret And Willful Sins

One specific addiction that ruins lives is pornography and this is often done in secret. However, it is game over when a person finally gets caught looking at porn.

Holiness To The Lord

As God’s temple is inside of each of us each of us and is holy, we ought to also walk in holiness to the Lord.

Prayer And Fasting

Like Jesus did, we can say, “get thee behind me, Satan”. These are not just words, but come with power and authority from God.

An Altar Call

I am sorry Jesus for my sins. You are my Lord and I can see how far I have strayed from You now. My life is a mess without You.

We Are Forgiven

Even when we have fallen, there still is hope. We can either soak in our mistakes or come back to Jesus. Jesus casts aside all shame. His mercy is for all the broken.

Come And Sing Out To Jesus

Hallelujah, for our King reigns on high. He is our Holy King, our Eternal Father. Glory and honor to Jesus. Let us come together and worship Him.