Believers In Jesus Are Saved

Though many have decided to live a life outside of Jesus Christ don’t blame yourselves because they don’t listen.


What foolishness, to blatantly fall into sin, when you know better. Don’t people realize that such things causes a rift between them and God?

The Place Of Judgement

As for those people that have either rejected the Lord Jesus in their lives or didn’t show fruits of their faith, they will have a very different outcome, come judgement day.

Abortion Is Murder

Please understand that children, unborn or born, are precious in the sight of God. Never ever harm your children unless you desire the wrath of God, this includes abortion.

Joseph Smith And His Life Of Polygamy

In order to know the truth of Joseph Smith or expose him for what he really is, we will look at four things that stem from his practice of polygamy that easily proves that fact.

The Resurrection Of The Dead

In reference to the resurrection of the dead, this was the reason why the Jews were upset with Paul. How interesting this is, since Daniel taught the very same thing that Paul taught concerning this topic.

Sin Hardens Our Hearts To God

The thing about sin is it is detrimental to our lives and our walk with God. Because it hardens our hearts to God and leads us to do things that are wicked, His presence is no longer in our lives either to protect us.

False Teachings In Mormonism

There should be only one decision to make and that is to follow Jesus and what He taught in the Bible and no longer follow after the doctrines of men.

Thieves, Witches, And Idolaters

When it comes to witchcraft and idolatry, people should immediately know how wrong these things are, if they were familiar with the teachings of the Bible.

Stop Lying And Come To Christ

Living a life for Christ is freedom. We don’t have guilt hanging over our heads any longer. When we sin Jesus pulls us through it.

Give Your Precious Time To God

Jesus is the only way to heaven. There is no other way. So I pray that you decide now to put Him first in your life, in order to be saved.

Are You Saved?

To continue to live in willful sin is telling God that He doesn’t matter and is storing up His wrath for that wicked person’s life.

The Fall Of Lucifer

God also spoke unto Isaiah regarding the fall of the person we know as the devil, from heaven and onto the earth.

Forgiving Our Enemies

It is important that we learn to forgive as God forgives us. And in doing this, we will learn to love as God loves us, for this is doing as Jesus taught us.