Good Works And Commandments
Jesus said that we are the light of the world and people will glorify the Father by seeing the good works from God in us.
Jesus said that we are the light of the world and people will glorify the Father by seeing the good works from God in us.
If you were to die today, will Jesus say that you did evil or that which is righteous in His sight? Judgment day is coming.
We give offerings and even tithing in church, because of needed repairs, to support ministries, and for the workers therein.
In these last days, we will dream dreams. I am just one example of God unfolding these mysteries of heaven unto.
Joash was protected from Athaliah and at seven years old became king. This is when all the altars of baal were destroyed.
God’s judgment is upon the wicked. Even His wrath is upon people now who worship false gods and have no desire to repent.
Jezebel’s death is an example of what happens to a person who fights against God, and His prophets, and goes after false gods instead.
After confessing our sins to God, we turn from them in repentance. We do this before and after we are baptized.
A Christian lifestyle is different than wicked people in this world. Therefore, we are no longer partakers in their evil deeds.
God is so powerful that He causes our enemies to flee. We have nothing to fear if the Lord God of the heavens is on our side.
We are asked by God to show love and compassion to our enemies, even though it may seem hard on the surface at first.
If people come and offer you money for performing a healing, deny it. Instead, give God the glory, and don’t take it for yourself.
We will receive comfort in death, while in paradise. However, in heaven, there are no more tears, death, sorrow, crying, or pain.
Hell is a place of fire, torment, and pain. However, the pains in the lake of fire never cease. This is where the wicked end up.
As fellow Christians, we are to help the full-time missionaries and those on mission trips. Start opening your doors to help them.
We don’t look down upon others because they are not of the faith. Instead, we show compassion, kindness, and love to everyone.
Only few people actually desire to have the Holy Spirit in them at all times. This is because people love their sin more than God.
God’s wrath is upon the wicked. Only the humble, people who trust in God, will escape the quenching fire of hell come death.
False Prophets have a lying tongue and often don’t even realize it. These are those who point people to follow them and not Jesus.
No one is too far gone from God’s hand of mercy. Simply humble yourself before Him in prayer and you will be forgiven.
God can see those who are having sex outside of marriage and are looking at pornography. These are the children of disobedience.
It may be hard to forgive someone that has hurt us, but the right thing to do is to forgive them anyway, just as God forgives us.
Before people could receive Jesus as Lord, only angels were called, “the sons of God”. Now, the door is open to us who believe.
The angels are singing when souls that were lost are found. Glory to God for every person that comes to the Lord for salvation.
If writers in the Bible quoted and referenced books that are outside the Bible, then there is no harm in reading them as well.
The Book of Enoch was quoted from Jude. Jude and Peter also references this book. Therefore, there is no harm in reading it.
We must be careful to not get caught up in teachings that are not Biblical, but teachings that are backed up by the Bible itself.