What Offerings Are Used For

We give offerings and even tithing in church, because of needed repairs, to support ministries, and for the workers therein.

Jezebel’s Death

Jezebel’s death is an example of what happens to a person who fights against God, and His prophets, and goes after false gods instead.

A Christian Lifestyle

A Christian lifestyle is different than wicked people in this world. Therefore, we are no longer partakers in their evil deeds.

The Four Lepers Of Samaria

God is so powerful that He causes our enemies to flee. We have nothing to fear if the Lord God of the heavens is on our side.

First Paradise, Then Heaven

We will receive comfort in death, while in paradise. However, in heaven, there are no more tears, death, sorrow, crying, or pain.

Helping Full Time Missionaries

As fellow Christians, we are to help the full-time missionaries and those on mission trips. Start opening your doors to help them.

Consumed By The Fire Of God

God’s wrath is upon the wicked. Only the humble, people who trust in God, will escape the quenching fire of hell come death.

Unfavored Mercy After War

It may be hard to forgive someone that has hurt us, but the right thing to do is to forgive them anyway, just as God forgives us.

The Book Of Enoch: Part 2

If writers in the Bible quoted and referenced books that are outside the Bible, then there is no harm in reading them as well.

The Book Of Enoch: Part 1

The Book of Enoch was quoted from Jude. Jude and Peter also references this book. Therefore, there is no harm in reading it.

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