Job Was Losing Hope

Job only wanted comfort while in his trials, but it was nowhere to be found. Therefore, his hope was diminishing.

Death And Judgment

In death, our bodies will not rise until the day of our resurrection, while our spirits will wait for the judgement seat of Christ.

The Need For Repentance

If you fall into sin, immediately cry out to God for forgiveness. Then Jesus will save your soul and turn your heart to follow Him.

Job Wished He Had Never Been Born

Death of a loved one and sickness can wreck a person’s life if God is not called upon. Peace is given in life, while sorrow is no longer an issue in heaven.

When We Run From God

Many people run from God, but doing this has consequences like we see with Jonah. So do as God says and don’t run from Him.

The Rapture

With Christ’s return comes the rapture of the saints. Live your life for Jesus, that you may be included with those who are saved.

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