Zophar Said Some Hurtful Things to Job
Job could not find peace from his friend Zophar, but only more accusations about him being wicked and a hypocrite.
Job could not find peace from his friend Zophar, but only more accusations about him being wicked and a hypocrite.
In persecution, Job sought the Lord. He proclaimed that His Redeemer lived and that He will soon see God in person.
Bildad was being self-righteous around Job, who was suffering. However, we are to be people who show kindness unto others, not being judgmental.
Job only wanted comfort while in his trials, but it was nowhere to be found. Therefore, his hope was diminishing.
Listen to others, and be slow to speak. Many people just need comfort, not criticism. Be considerate of people’s needs.
We’ve never seen anything like the Coronavirus. It is changing everything we know of in this world. Jesus is coming soon!
It is vital that we seek Jesus daily through prayer and Bible study. Do this with your family as well, especially your children.
Why accuse people of what you do not know? Does this help them in any way? Is this what God asks His followers to do?
In death, our bodies will not rise until the day of our resurrection, while our spirits will wait for the judgement seat of Christ.
There was a great need for Job to explain to his friends his trust in God, while telling them how badly they have made him feel.
Job did nothing wrong but made to feel worse by his friend Zophar. Job, chapter 12, is in response to him.
Preaching repentance is good, but accusing someone of sin unaware of their life is wrong. Judging is up to God, not us.
Job knew that God formed us in our mother’s womb. This is where God breathed into us our spirit, that we might have life.
God is the creator of the heavens and the earth. He created everything that is visible and invisible to us on earth in space.
Job went through a lot and still His friends didn’t know how to lift him up, but only tear him down in their accusations.
Life is hard and many times we just want to give up. It is in these trials that we should cry out to God for help and comfort.
If you fall into sin, immediately cry out to God for forgiveness. Then Jesus will save your soul and turn your heart to follow Him.
While facing trials, we should never have to plead our case before people, just to have kindness and love shown towards us.
Lean on God and give wise counsel to people and never bad counsel from yourself alone. Usher in peace, not contention.
It is never good to accuse people of sinning just because they are sick or going through trials. Pray for and Comfort them instead.
Death of a loved one and sickness can wreck a person’s life if God is not called upon. Peace is given in life, while sorrow is no longer an issue in heaven.
When people are suffering in pain and anguish, it is up to us to comfort them. We pray for their needs and do what we can to help.
God gives and takes away, but most times it is Satan that inflicts us with pain and sorrow. In all this, we run to God in prayer.
Rejoice when those that were lost are now found in Christ. Put your anger aside and forgive them as God forgave them already.
While in distress, remember that God still cares for you and will come to your rescue. Call upon His name and you shall be saved.
A lot can be said about a person based on what they love the most about life. Are your priorities for God or yourself?
With Christ’s return comes the rapture of the saints. Live your life for Jesus, that you may be included with those who are saved.
Those in Christ, live for Him. We do not live willfully in sin any longer but do His will and love one another as He loves them.