Be Wise In The Lord And No Longer Foolish

With all things good from God, there will always be the majority of people that reject it. Because they are foolish, they cannot see the value of learning from God.

Virtuous Men And Women In Marriage

Men and women are so blessed to find a spouse that loves the Lord and get married. These types of people don’t come every day and we are so grateful.

Gossip Is Hurtful And Causes Strife

I speak of gossip and hurtful things that people say, because although it may make the person saying such things feel good, it damages other people to the core.

To Be Rich In The Lord

One day, every rich person that does not have the Lord’s blessings in their lives, will be cut off forever from all happiness and joy.

Keep Your Promises To God

Solomon taught that these things that we promise to God, but then do the opposite, God hates. We are so foolish in this.

Take Rebuke With Joy

When you are in sin and are approached about it by someone, don’t get upset, but thank them and repent.

The Christian Life

If you are not currently all in for Christ, then this Christian lifestyle may be foreign to you. This ability to live a life pleasing to God may be difficult for you.

The Love Of Money Is Evil

The more money a person has, also comes many foolish thoughts and decisions, if God is not involved.

The Lord’s Vineyard

As the people of God did not obey His counsel, God’s wrath and judgements were upon their shoulders.

Tell Everyone About Jesus

So let me ask you a question. Have you responded to the gospel in a way that you want everyone to know about Jesus and be saved?

Making Evil Good And Good Evil

As Isaiah said, becoming intoxicated has consequences. The reward is losing out on the righteousness of God in our lives.


To better understand the gravity of this situation, for every porn watcher, we will now look to what Paul said about this matter.

Abortion Is Shedding Innocent Blood

When women murder their unborn babies, their innocent blood is on their hands. They have seriously defiled their own bodies with the blood of innocent children.

Abide In Jesus

When I look at this world I see many people that go to church, do worship and act their part well, where really their lives are often contrary to God.

Faithful To God

When a person becomes faithful to God, their lives are now much different than before. Instead of taking offense real easily, there is forgiveness in our hearts.

Praise God For His Mercy

Our Lord God is so merciful and kind. His compassion and love has no end. Till the end of time does He search for us and wish that we would return to Him.

Willful Sin

With every willful sinner in this world, we know that only few of them will come to Jesus about their sins in prayer and repent.