Jesus Said That We Will Do Greater Works

Did the disciples of Christ, in the Bible, believe what Jesus said? Yes, they did. Paul said, “for by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

What Will You Be Remembered By?

In David’s time, people were remembered in many different ways. We know this since people’s names and what they did are written in the book of Chronicles.

Love The Lord Your God

How I love You, my Lord. My praises will never tell You the great love I have for You in my heart. When I sing to your Name I am filled with great joy.

My Lord, My Hero

I take pride in knowing Jesus by reading the Bible. His words impact my life, each day that I read. I meditate on His message of hope for it lifts me up.

God Transforms Lives

When God is among us there is nothing He cannot do. He has a plan for everyone. We never know what is in store for us.

Should We Face Jerusalem When We Pray?

You may wonder why I mention both the Jews and Muslims. My friends, it is because they are both using ancient traditions when it comes to their prayer life.

My Heart Is Yours

When the Spirit of the Lord is among us we will learn knowledge. He will instruct us to do His will. He will “guide your heart in the way” that is wise.

The Lord Knows All

The Lord can see how we truly feel for Him deep down in our hearts. If we love Him, we will believe and trust in Him always.

Walk With The Lord

Revive my mind daily to walk in your ways. My flesh is weak but your word has power. When I am with You in prayer, you build me up.

King Rehoboam Listened To The Wrong Counsel

Rehoboam was given counsel from wise men who feared God, and also those that didn’t care to make things better for the people. Here is what they both presented to the king.

The Righteous Are Saved

Oh the mercy of the Lord. Forgiveness is given to all those that repent. He has power to blot out the wickedness in our lives if we let Him.

Do Not Fight Against God And His People

God’s people were surrounded with no way out, but to call upon the Lord God in prayer. Even their trumpets sounded, in order to get people’s attention that God is their deliverer.

How Revival Begins

They knew that they were not walking in the ways of the Lord and were sorry. Therefore, they made an oath to God, to seek Him with their whole heart.