The Wicked Must Repent

The sinner that repents and trusts in Jesus are saved. They have no fear of judgement. Judgement is only fearful for the wicked that dies in their sins.

The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s prayer surely is a roadmap we can all use in our daily prayer life. Also know that Jesus wants a sincere heart in prayer.

Live By Faith

If your heart has drawn cold to the things of God, then wake up from your slumber. No longer be on the fence of doing God’s will over what the world offers.

Blessed Are The Faithful Of God

We have much to be grateful for. Everyone that is in the fold of Christ is blessed beyond years. We are saved because of the mercy of God.

The Lord Helps Us Walk Uprightly

How can you know what God commands? Many people wonder about the mysteries of God. Do they not know that they are written in the Bible?

When God Calls, Act On It

I want to share an awesome experience that I had tonight, while in the service of God. Some things happen by chance and other things happen because God wills it.

Rejoice And Praise The Lord

There is nothing like our God. He is all mighty and can do all things. Things we think are impossible are practical for Him.

Persecution In The Service Of God

It is an honor to serve my God, my King. I trust in His goodness to save me from my foes. When I speak through the Holy Spirit nothing can pierce me for God is with me.

Fret Not And Live For Christ

How can you know what God wills for your life? Can you live a life of faith if You haven’t gotten to know Jesus and His teachings?


We go through hard times, like our neighbor does. Wouldn’t it be awesome if they responded to help us. As Christians, we ought to give care for the needy.

Halloween Is Evil

The scary ghost, goblin, Satan, and witch costumes are simply inviting Satan and his demons into people’s lives. I implore to everyone to not go out on Halloween.

Live For God And Praise Him

My soul rejoiceth, for I am no longer dead but alive in Christ the Lord. I give Him all my praise and worship for I am saved.

Watch Your Tongue

I have met so many people that call themselves Christians, however, their life is not for the Lord. They live apart from His will.

Walking In The Ways Of The Lord

David taught that those that love God “go from strength to strength”. They may have been shy in certain areas but God gives them boldness.

Witnessing To Mormons At The Door

I continued to talk with the couple and explained that the Bible clearly states, in Revelation, that if you add or take away from God’s Word that your name will be removed from the Book of Life.

Praises To The Lord God

God is above all the idols in people’s lives. He is worth more than all our time on the phone. He is worth more than the time we spend watching TV.

Believe And Serve The Lord

Who’s side are you on? Are you living a life for God or yourself? Your words don’t mean nothing if your heart is far from God.

Remember God And Give Praise

Each day can be as hard as we make it. It can also be as good as God allows it. Before get out the door, each day, we must decide on what path we will follow.