Choose Your Friends Wisely

If you love the Lord, then choose to hang out with the right people, which are brothers and sisters in the faith. In doing this, you can still be a good example to others, of course.

Trust In The Lord And Pray Often

Some of you may be praying for mercy and forgiveness. This is s a very good thing to do and praise be to God that you are giving your heart to Him now in prayer.

Rise With Christ And Put Off The Old Man

If there is one person that can help us live any differently, while being in this wicked world, it is the Lord God. Our willingness to serve Him, also brings in the Holy Spirit to guide us.

Catholics Removed The 2nd Commandment

The Catholic Church’s Ten Commandments is a modified version of Exodus 20.  It is not the same thing, but a very slim down version of the real deal. 

Our Choice Is Heaven Or Hell

To those people that made a choice to repent, and turn from their sins, and unto Jesus for salvation, these people are saved.

Is Once Saved, Always Saved Biblical?

The Bible is clear that there is a requirement for our lives, in order to be saved come death. That stipulation is for every believer in Christ to endure in their faith till the end.

A Life For God Outside Of Church

To answer this question, you must first understand what it means to be saved. Jesus is our authority on this topic, and He said that unless a person is born of the Spirit they are not saved.

Where Is Your Time For God?

Please know that people can say all they want to that they are Christian, but if their lifestyle outside of church is different, then they are only a hypocrite of what they say they are.

God Fights Our Battles

It was after the Lord rescued His children from starvation and dehydration, that a battle began among the camp of the children of Israel.

Direction From God

When the children of Israel were led safely out of Egypt, they were given strict commands from God, in order to stand apart from the wicked and be on His side.

The Millennium, War, And Judgement

In John’s vision, he also saw people be given thrones in heaven and even the ability to judge. He also saw the people that were beheaded, because of their faith in Christ.

The Great Whore

In this vision, John could see that judgement was poured out upon this woman in purple and scarlet, of which sat upon a scarlet beast.

The Beast

For 3.5 years this beast will reign on the earth. His purpose, of which is to cause the name of the most high God to be defamed and his name and the dragon’s lifted up instead.

False Teachings In Mormonism

There should be only one decision to make and that is to follow Jesus and what He taught in the Bible and no longer follow after the doctrines of men.

Sin Hardens Our Hearts To God

The thing about sin is it is detrimental to our lives and our walk with God. Because it hardens our hearts to God and leads us to do things that are wicked, His presence is no longer in our lives either to protect us.

Utah Mission Trip (04/05/19)

The God I know would not add to His words, the Bible. He would also not have another book that contradicts the Bible in so many ways.

Abide In Jesus

When I look at this world I see many people that go to church, do worship and act their part well, where really their lives are often contrary to God.

A True Christian

Now that we have defined what a true Christian is, I would like you to think to yourself if you are living a life of a Christian.

The Resurrection Of The Dead

In reference to the resurrection of the dead, this was the reason why the Jews were upset with Paul. How interesting this is, since Daniel taught the very same thing that Paul taught concerning this topic.