Endure To The End And Do Not Be Deceived

This is the time to make our lives right with the Lord. We must be familiar with what the Bible teaches or else we will be easily deceived by doctrines that resemble God’s Word.

Believing In A Racist God

False gods bring in racism and other false teachings. Therefore, read the Bible and allow God to cast out every false belief.

Sing Unto The Lord A New Song

We learn from Psalms that praise is the way of a Christian believer. We no longer sit with our beliefs and do nothing.

Another Gospel

Because of the subtle craftiness of men, people have perverted the true gospel message and led millions of people astray.

Rebuking False Teachers

False teachers need to be called out, in order to lead them and others to Jesus. Only He can open their eyes and save them.

Chastisement From God

Sin and unbelief are what keeps us from following Jesus and being saved. If only they let God into their lives.

Joseph Smith Has Led Millions of People Astray

One day in judgment, every Mormon will eventually find out that their religion was false. Then will they wish they listened to true Christians and, most importantly, God while in their lifetime.

False Religions

If you, knowingly are a part of a false religion, then l I ask, and God asks also, for You to come out of it for Christ’s sake.

Mormons Believe The Father Has A Body

One of the many false beliefs in Mormonism is that the Father has a body of flesh and bones like unto His Son, Jesus Christ. They even believe that the Father was once a Savior of His own planet before being exalted to Godhood. These teachings on the Father is blasphemy as we will learn

Calling Out The Lost To Come To Jesus

Calling all Satanists, witches, atheists and those in false religions to come to Jesus. Your unbelief, false beliefs, and/or wickedness will cause you to die in in your sins and go to hell lest you repent and come to Jesus.