Persecution In The Service Of God

It is an honor to serve my God, my King. I trust in His goodness to save me from my foes. When I speak through the Holy Spirit nothing can pierce me for God is with me.

Thanks To All Service Men

God bless all the service men for keeping us safe when times are hard. Even in uncertainty you come to our rescue.

Casting Lots

Every person that was given a role to serve in the house of the Lord was mentioned. All these people were not anybody ordinary, but chief men, for God was not only important to them, but they showed their service to God also.

Endless Genealogies

The time for keeping endless genealogies was done away with, with the Old Law. We now live for Christ each day, while in the faith.

To Live And Die For God

I will live and die for the Lord. Jesus is why I have breath, so I live this life knowing that one day I will be with Him in heaven.

What Will You Be Remembered By?

In David’s time, people were remembered in many different ways. We know this since people’s names and what they did are written in the book of Chronicles.

Tithes And Offerings Unto The Lord

Because churchgoers give with a willing heart, there are churches all around the globe that have their doors open on the weekend, and during the week.

Fellowship With One Another

May you all come to Christ and allow Him to give you boldness. May the Lord, open your heart to talk to people, even when you are more often shy than not.

Death And Judgment

In death, our bodies will not rise until the day of our resurrection, while our spirits will wait for the judgement seat of Christ.

Do You Seek The Lord Daily?

Doing God’s will is what a Christian does daily. They don’t just say they believe but live out their faith in Jesus.

Come Worship The Lord

I delight to worship the Lord. He means more than anything. I love His message of hope. When I sing, I lift Him up in praise.

Utah Mission Trip (05/07/17)

As the service got over, many people came to speak to us. They said, how grateful they were for us coming. They asked where we came from and we said Boise.

Friday Night Evangelizing

I continued down 8th and Main, and started preaching on Matthew, chapter 4. I declared, Jesus said “Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

Church Is The Body Of Christ

Don’t be a phony but a warrior for Christ. When all your friends are going out drinking and invite you to tag along, just say no.

Learn From God And His Word

Though a person of faith may desire to come to learn from God, Satan uses many different things to deter them.

Laborer’s In God’s Vineyard

The Lord God calls every person to work in His vineyard. They will all then be given the same reward when all is set and done.

Our Ways Likened Unto Christ’s

When we continue to put our trust in God and lean on Him in all situations of our lives, everything tends to work out for the greater good.

Help Stop The Slaughter In Abortion

Through abortion, the unborn baby has no rights and women can do whatever they want to them. As long as the baby is not yet born, then killing is allowed.

Deliverance From The Enemy

The day that the Lord God came in and sent His last plague upon the Egyptian people, the people of Israel were able to experience true freedom.

David Danced Before The Lord

Now, if you thought that David stopped dancing and worshiping God after all this happened with the ark of the covenant, then you are mistaken.

God’s Form Of Charity In Us

I have mentioned charity and kindness today, and will now describe a great example of a person who showed God’s love to an individual.

As Christians, We Are Different

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world.

The Lord Is My Light

The Lord has open access to my heart. He is free to rule and reign in my life. I am stronger with Jesus by my side. He is my anchor in the storms of life.

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