- 1Baptism
- We believe that God calls everyone to repent and be baptized. This is after we believe in Jesus for salvation. In baptism, we die to our old life and are raised up into newness of life. We put on Christ, through baptism.
- 2Bible
- We believe the Bible to be the only Word of God. God’s Words are pure and holy. They should not be added to or taken away from. Our foundation for truth is based on the Bible.Proverbs 30:5,6; Hebrews 4:9-13
- 3Church
- We believe that the church is the body of Christ. We may be in many countries and attend different churches, but still we are members of Christ's body, the church. Jesus set up a church that never failed, as He sent the Holy Spirit to be forever with us. We go to church to fellowship with other believers, and to learn from God and His Words, the Bible.
- 4Commandments
- We believe that keeping God's commandments is important, in order to know Jesus and His will for mankind. To love Jesus means to obey His commandments. The love of God is perfected in us when we keep the commandments. The two greatest commandments are to love the Lord God with all our heart, mind, and strength, and to love our neighbor as our self.
- 5Confession
- We believe that confession of our Lord Jesus Christ is necessary for salvation. Through confession, we declare Jesus is the Lord of our lives. As our Savior, we ask Him to forgive us our sins, and that His blood will cover us. He then cleanses us and makes us whole. God's mercy is for everyone who would call upon His name.
- 6Faith
- Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Those who have true faith in Jesus are saved. This is faith that is alive and active in our lives. We endure in this faith, for Jesus is the anchor of our souls.John 3:16-21; Hebrews 11:1
- 7God The Father
- We believe that God the Father is Spirit, and we ought to worship Him in Spirit and truth. While in Spirit, God has the form of a man and can sit on a throne. Jesus is seated at the right hand of God the Father.
- 8Gospel
- We believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ as stated in 1 Corinthians, chapter 15. That Jesus died for our sins on the cross, was buried, and rose from the dead three days later. This gospel we are told to preach until His coming.1 Corinthians 15:1-9
- 9Grace
- We believe that by grace, through faith in Christ, a person is saved. Not of works, lest any man should boast. Salvation is a free gift from God, for all those who would follow Jesus.Ephesians 2:8,9
- 10Holy Spirit
- We believe Jesus did not leave us comfortless, but left us with the Holy Spirit. This is why His church never failed, as God has been with us from the beginning. The Holy Spirit helps us learn and grow in the faith. Through the Spirit, we are able to open our mouths and have it filled. He helps us live for Him, a loving and righteous life.John 14:16-27
- 11Jesus
- We believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and also the Lord God of the heavens. He is our creator and judge, and was born of the virgin Mary. His mother later on had kids or her own and was not sinless, as she needed a Savior. Jesus came to this earth to bring light and grace into the world. He willingly paid the price for our sins on the cross, was buried, and rose from the grave the third day. There is only salvation through Jesus.Matthew 1:18-25; Mark 6:3,4; Luke 1:46-55; 2 Corinthians 5:8-11; Philippians 2:5-11; Colossians 1:12-20
- 12Repentance
- We believe that we are all sinners and need a Savior. To repent of our sins and unbelief is something we do willfully, as we want to be made right in God's sight. Check your beliefs with the Bible and repent of any false beliefs. Look in the mirror with the Bible as your judge and repent of any secret sins, bad habits, addictions, and anything that would keep you from entering God's presence.
- 13Resurrection
- We believe that all people will be resurrected. Those who are saved to the resurrection of life, and those are unsaved to the resurrection of damnation. Those two places are the presence of the Lord in the New Heaven/New Earth, or the Lake of fire.John 5:25-29; Revelation 21:1-8
- 14Trinity
- We believe in the Holy Trinity. It is made up of God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. These three are different persons in one God. That is why Jesus can pray to the Father, and why Stephan could see Jesus on the right hand of God. As three that witness in the heavens, they are in perfect unity, one with another. We are one with God through the Holy Spirit in our lives.
- 15Works
- We believe that we were created for good works, and we should walk in them. Works are the fruits of our salvation, not what saves a person. Faith without works is dead, which is called faith that is alive in every true believer.Ephesians 2:10; James 2:17-26
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Dear Brother Jimmy: One of the reasons that many of our loved ones are not saved, because they look at us to find sin in our lives as a stepping block from knowing the Lord to be saved. I few of my old “PK” Pastors Kids I knew in the military, they see the sins of the parents as an excuse. It’s wrong what they are doing, and it’s wrong as parents to say they have no sin as Christians. 1 John 1:8 is very clear about that. Also that Lordship salvation is another problem as well and the error of “Preparation”. The word REPENT used in the KJV Bible means CHANGE OF MIND and not SIN. The Greek word Jesus used was metanoia. If you could good to http://loveintruth.com/repentance. We are not to judge each others as believers in Christ, and are saved by his Blood and Grace. But to share each other views. I love and respect your views and God Bless you and yours. We are praying for your son. Kind Regards in Jesus name… Amen. Brother Rick DiLoretto. P.S. go to our website and check us out. http://www.wmpress.org
Hello Rick. My name is Paul Gee, not Jimmy. Not sure where you got that from. Thank you for your comment and am grateful that you also agree with the need to repent and give ourselves to Jesus. Than can we be cleansed from all our sins, my friend. It is also good to also see a fellow Christian enjoy the KJV Bible like I do. Do tell me what you think of this site and if it is a blessing to your life. And if so, please consider writing a testimonial on how you have been blessed by the content offered. https://dailycdev.com/forms/website-review-form/. May the Lord bless you richly.
What denomination would you consider yourself to be? Gabe always says he is a born again Christian. Is that a denomination?
Being born again is something only God can do for our lives. We are born again of water and the Holy Spirit in baptism. I was born again myself in baptism in December 2015. The day I came out of the water, the fire of God entered my life and I wanted to tell everyone about Jesus. This same fire has continued till today. In saying this, me and Gabe are Christians, and don’t consider a specific church building important to save anyone but Christ alone. I go to a Calvary Chapel, but there are many great Bible believing churches out there that are also wonderful. God bless you David. – Paul Gee
As far as I know when you accept Jesus you become his daughter or son, you’re part of the family and the kingdom of God.
At this time you are born again, as you have confessed Jesus as your savior and Lord in your life by repenting of your sins and being washed away through Hits blood. You became a Christian born again here.
The baptism in water is a form of dying to your old flesh and being. It’s a call to live in obedience to Jesus and follow His word and commandments.
A process of starting your walk in God through holiness.
I feel blessed reading this. Thank you and may God Jesus and Holy Spirit 1 God bless you in an overwhelming way.
Where in the Bible does it state that baptism saves? Thank you.
Mark 16:15-16 (KJV)
15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
It only states that “he that believeth not shall be damned”! Consider the thief on the cross next to Jesus; based solely on his profession of faith, Jesus promised him “Today, thou shalt be with me in Paradise”.
Do you believe in the Rapture of the church?
I sure do. You can read about the rapture in the following messages…