My Rapture Dream
God opened up my eyes to see His Second Coming in a dream. It was then that the rapture began for His elect.
God opened up my eyes to see His Second Coming in a dream. It was then that the rapture began for His elect.
During the tribulation, the elect of God will be raptured up to be with Christ. They are saved, while the wicked are destroyed.
With Christ’s return comes the rapture of the saints. Live your life for Jesus, that you may be included with those who are saved.
One day God’s people will be raptured up with Christ. Then will they be given white robes and sing praises to the Lamb who saves.
Many people are getting visions from God in these last of days. This is because the Holy Spirit is poured out upon the earth.
God does give unto His people visions, dreams, and near-death experiences. He speaks to His elect, even in our time.
Much destruction will be poured upon the earth during the great tribulation. But thank God His followers will be raptured up.
In these last days, we will dream dreams. I am just one example of God unfolding these mysteries of heaven unto.
We must be careful not to believe in everything we hear in churches. Man-made beliefs are wicked and lead people away from God.
The moment people hear angels blow their trumpets, they will know that great devastation will be poured out upon the earth soon.
When the sixth angel blows his trumpet, war is about to break out. Four angels will be loosed and will kill a third of the people.
God’s two witnesses will be able to breathe fire out of their mouths, cause it not to rain, turn water into blood, and much more.
When the seventh angel pours out its vial into the air, it will cause the biggest earthquakes this earth has ever seen.
One day my Lord, and my King, Jesus, will return to take us home. All I can say is, come Lord Jesus! I am ready, God.
God does reveal His secrets unto those who believe through visions. We are so blessed to be the Lord’s people who are saved.