The same miracles that Jesus has done while He was on earth, He is still doing in people’s lives now. He has not given up on us.
Inspirations (06-2019)
Today’s Inspiration (06/08/2019)
Loving the Lord Jesus brings out our love for others. We are more selfless and more caring for other people’s needs.
Today’s Inspiration (06/07/2019)
How can Christians hold grudges against people and still expect forgiveness from God? This goes against our desire to be forgiven.
Today’s Inspiration (06/06/2019)
The Lord Jesus doesn’t force anyone to believe in Him and do what He says, but only invites people of all nations to come unto Him.
Today’s Inspiration (06/05/2019)
The Bible says that we should worship and pray to God alone and not to angels, Mary, the saints or anyone or anything else.
Today’s Inspiration (06/04/2019)
Jesus says come and you will never thirst again. He offers living waters for all those that will believe in Him as Lord and Savior.
Today’s Inspiration (06/03/2019)
Live apart from the wickedness of this world, and instead for the Lord God and His will for Your life. This is what brings us joy.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (06/02/2019)
Jesus is my Lord, my greatest joy of all, and my everything. I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (06/02/2019)
Every believer and follower of Jesus, our Lord, will one day spend all eternity with Him on the new Earth and new Heaven above.
Today’s Inspiration (06/01/2019)
Judgement is coming upon the earth. Who do you stand with? The world or Jesus? Repent and work out your salvation today!
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