The Ten Commandments: #1

There is only one true God in the heavens. Believing in and/or worshipping other gods is idolatry, which God hates.


There is only one God in the heavens and earth. All other gods are false, which leads to idolatry and a falling away from God.

Give Up Your Idol Worship

As Christians, we ought to fear the Lord and not have any gods before Him. So we give up our idols and false worship for God.

Many False Gods In Mormonism

To believe in many gods, or that you will become one, means that you deny what the Bible says. This is breaking God’s commandment.

Preaching In My Neighborhood

Go forth and preach the gospel. Even in places like your neighborhood. God asks that we open our mouths and He will fill it.

Death And Judgment

In death, our bodies will not rise until the day of our resurrection, while our spirits will wait for the judgement seat of Christ.

Every Idol And Image Needs To Be Destroyed

In the Bible, we have great examples of people in the faith who lived up to and kept God’s commandments and therefore, did not allow idolatry to be a part of their lives.

The Ten Commandments

I mentioned what a Christian’s life is like and also incorporated each commandment into each statement above. I did this that you may distinguish what a true Christian is like from a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Give Up Your Idols

God does not take lightly the fact that people have idols in their life. For this reason He Himself has given us a command to not have any other gods before Him.

After Death Comes The Judgement

Those that die in their faith, have done more than just believe. They have realized that faith without works is dead and therefore did as God’s Word says.

Judgment Day Has Come

As you watched people go before the Lord, on bended knee, they would begin to proclaim all the good things they had done and why they should out weight the negative things.

Lord, Judge Me Now

Too many so-called Christians have died and gone to hell because they thought their own good works would save them.

Do You Truly Love God?

If you have not given your life to Jesus, do so today. No longer delay the day of your salvation. The Lord is waiting.

Come To Know God And Give Praise

Choose ye, this day, whom you will serve. I pray that your heart is compelled to repent, if you are in sin. If you are covered by the blood of Jesus, then rejoice.

Are You In Idolatry?

Worshipping idols includes, spending our time and effort into having the luxuries in life through money, spending most of our time on our cell phones or watching or playing games on TV.

Endure To The End And Do Not Be Deceived

This is the time to make our lives right with the Lord. We must be familiar with what the Bible teaches or else we will be easily deceived by doctrines that resemble God’s Word.

Love God And Not Idols

Turn away from your false beliefs, leave the religion that teaches that idolatry is good, and come to Christ.

Bow Before The Lord

Oh Lord, I love You above all. Your great mercy has set me free. I am no longer tied down to idols of this earth. They never did anything for me but cause me pain.

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