Utah Mission Trip (09/30/22)

The percentage of who people actually go out and do what God puts on their heart is very low. The harvest is ripe but there are few laborers.

Mormon Patriarchs Are False Prophets

A very evil teaching in the Mormon church is patriarchal blessings. This is when men in their church pronounce false prophecies over people.

12 Things Christians Do

Psalm 31, from the Bible, helps us know what to do as Christians. #1, trust in the Lord. #2, be not ashamed of Jesus. #3, walk in God’s righteousness.

I Will Extol Thee, O Lord

Only God, who makes up three persons, is who we ought to worship and praise. I am speaking of the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

The Voice Of The Lord

People that hear God’s voice and follow Him are saved. This happens in a variety of different ways.

Examine me, O Lord

The thing about God is that most people don’t want to think about Him and His judgments. If we are guilty or innocent in His sight.

TV And Demonic Hypnosis

People have way too many TVs, so getting rid of a few at a time is very good for the soul. This gives us much more time for God.

Clean Hands And A Pure Heart

Who will be there with the Lord? Those who have clean hands and a pure heart. These are those who know Jesus and obey His commands.

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