We’ve Risen And Judgment Is Set

Will you be found on God’s right or left hand on the day of judgment? Where you stand will determine if you are saved on not.

The Gift Of The Holy Ghost

The gift of the Holy Spirit comes after baptism through prayer. But can only abide in us if we continue to obey God afterward.

To Be Led By The Holy Spirit

Be led by the Holy Spirit and not the ways of the flesh. Doing God’s will is always better than doing what we think is right.

When We Die

One day, death will come to the best of us, no matter what we try to do to stop it. Our spirits will return to God who formed us.

When We Rise From The Grave

Those who brought people unto Jesus throughout their lifetime will be greatly rewarded. They will be like unto the stars of heaven.

Real Faith In Jesus

Real faith in Jesus brings on a life change also. Where the Holy Spirit now reigns supreme in our lives.

Dedication To Serve God

Dedicate your life to serve God. Allow the Lord to work through you and tell people about Jesus. This is unto salvation.

Keep The Judgment Calls To God

Every good judgment call upon people’s lives is from the Lord. Sure, we can judge righteously as Jesus said, but this can only be done if the Lord is with us.

Prayer Warriors

As believers in Jesus, we are also prayer warriors. Meaning that we pray for others more than even ourselves.

The Church Then Compared To Now

Few people live for God as the early church did. Instead of being led by the Spirit, people are led by the things of this world.

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