I Am As Thou Art, My People As Thy People
We don’t look down upon others because they are not of the faith. Instead, we show compassion, kindness, and love to everyone.
We don’t look down upon others because they are not of the faith. Instead, we show compassion, kindness, and love to everyone.
Only few people actually desire to have the Holy Spirit in them at all times. This is because people love their sin more than God.
God’s wrath is upon the wicked. Only the humble, people who trust in God, will escape the quenching fire of hell come death.
False Prophets have a lying tongue and often don’t even realize it. These are those who point people to follow them and not Jesus.
No one is too far gone from God’s hand of mercy. Simply humble yourself before Him in prayer and you will be forgiven.
God can see those who are having sex outside of marriage and are looking at pornography. These are the children of disobedience.
It may be hard to forgive someone that has hurt us, but the right thing to do is to forgive them anyway, just as God forgives us.
Before people could receive Jesus as Lord, only angels were called, “the sons of God”. Now, the door is open to us who believe.
The angels are singing when souls that were lost are found. Glory to God for every person that comes to the Lord for salvation.
If writers in the Bible quoted and referenced books that are outside the Bible, then there is no harm in reading them as well.
The Book of Enoch was quoted from Jude. Jude and Peter also references this book. Therefore, there is no harm in reading it.
We must be careful to not get caught up in teachings that are not Biblical, but teachings that are backed up by the Bible itself.
God is your protector if He dwells in you. If not, then willful sin is present instead. You must make a choice whom you will serve.
Sometimes we just need some reassurance from God about our lives and where we need to go. Then, our hope is ignited once again.
God’s power is made known through the fire of the Holy Spirit. We are able to do God’s work when our faith is alive and active.
Generations can easily be affected in a very bad way when people before them do evil in the sight of God and do not repent.
We do not want to cause others to stumble, especially our children. So lead them in God’s ways, which are holy, and not evil.
Those that walk against God’s will and enable others to do the same are provoking God to anger. Repent if you are this person.
When God speaks, listen up! His words are true. They may not have already come to pass, but they surely will in their own due time.
If you go astray and are a parent to children, they no longer have the guidance they need to also know God for themselves.
If you have gone astray from following Jesus, then return as soon as you can. Time is not on your side, for death is at the door.
Unless we die to self and turn to God, then we will die in our sins. We can’t disregard God and His commandments and still expect to be saved.
People may see a difference in us because of our wisdom, but what is important is that they see it came from God and are converted.
What you give most of your time to, this is also a form of worship. Be watchful and do not be found in idolatry unknowingly.
During the time of plagues, like the coronavirus, we are directed to pray. To see the plagues in our hearts and cry out for mercy.
Be careful! Unless you read the Bible, chapter by chapter, and keep this up daily, you may easily take God’s Word out of context.
God still desires of us to walk in His statutes and to keep His commandments. Then, will He will dwell with HIs people.
When it comes to doing God’s work on earth, He needs us to be His willing servants. Then, great things will surely come to pass.
God’s wisdom is for us. Come humbly before the Lord and desire to be filled with His knowledge, then it will happen.
The greatest gifts come from God. I especially love the gift of understanding that He has given to me and others that love Him.