Genesis 1:1-5 vs Abraham 4:1-5 (God vs Gods)
Mormons who believe the Book of Abraham are denying what is written in Genesis. They are accepting a belief in a plurality of Gods instead of one true God which the Bible teaches.
Mormons who believe the Book of Abraham are denying what is written in Genesis. They are accepting a belief in a plurality of Gods instead of one true God which the Bible teaches.
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Mormons claim that they will build the New Jerusalem. This was taught by Joseph Smith. Unfortunately, it is a false teaching.
If you’ve ever wondered why Mormons believe in three kingdoms in heaven, it comes from 1 Corinthians 15:40.
We talked about Joseph Smith’s false prophecies, and how he said that Jesus would return in 1891, which never happened. How, he said that New Jerusalem would be built and dedicated by his hand, which never happened.
I’ve created handouts for the Book of Mormon. This will be useful when witnessing to Mormons. The gospel tract is front and back and includes a prayer for salvation.
A Bible translation from an ancient manuscript is acceptable if the person is led by God. This means that he or she understands both languages also. Those who rewrite an already translated Bible are not led by God.
Why are so many verses in the Book of Mormon taken from the King James Bible? For example, verses from the Book of Isaiah are found all throughout this book.
In verse 26, we learn that God created man in His image. This same God said let us.