Mormons Come Preaching A False Jesus

Mormons come preaching a false Jesus, apostasy, restoration, atonement, plan of salvation, pre-existence, and more. Satan is leading their charge.

Fanny Young

November 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Fanny Young (Age: 56).

Melissa Lott

September 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Melissa Lott (Age: 19).

Desdemona Fullmer

July 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Desdemona Fullmer (Age: 32).

Rhoda Richards

June 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Rhoda Richards (Age: 58), who was the widow of Ebenezer Damon.

Elvira Cowles Holmes

June 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Elvira Cowles Holmes (Age: 29), who at the time was married to Jonathon Holmes.

Olive Frost

Mid 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Olive Frost (Age: 27), who was at the time married to Parley P. Pratt.

Hanna Ells

Mid 1843 – Joseph (Age: 37) married Hanna Ells (Age: 29).

Helen Mar Kimball

May 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Helen Mar Kimball (Age: 14).

Sarah And Maria Lawrence

June 1842 – Joseph Smith (Age: 36) married Sarah Kingsley Cleveland (Age: 54), who at the time was married to John Cleveland.

Lucy Walker

May 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Lucy Walker (Age: 17).

Almera Johnson

April 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Almera Johnson (Age: 30), the sister of Delcena Sherman.

Emily And Eliza Partridge

March 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Emily Dow Partridge (Age: 19), and her sister Eliza Maria Partridge (Age: 22).

Flora Ann Woodworth

Spring 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Flora Ann Woodworth (Age: 16).

Ruth Vose Sayers

February 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Ruth Vose Sayers (Age: 33), who at the time was married to Edward Sayers.

Nancy Winchester

1843 – Joseph (Age: 37) married Nancy Winchester (Age: 14).

Martha McBride Knight

August 1842 – Joseph Smith (Age: 36) married Martha McBride Knight. (Age: 37), who was the widow of Vinson Knight.

Sarah Ann Whitney

July 1842 – Joseph Smith (Age: 36) married Sarah Ann Whitney (Age: 17).

Eliza R. Snow

June 1842 – Joseph Smith (Age: 36) married Eliza R. Snow (Age: 38).

Delcena Sherman

July 1842 – Joseph Smith (Age: 36) married Delcena Sherman (Age: 37), who was the widow of Lyman Sherman. She is the sister of Almera Johnson.

Sarah Kingsley Cleveland

June 1842 – Joseph Smith (Age: 36) married Sarah Kingsley Cleveland (Age: 54), who at the time was married to John Cleveland.

Elizabeth Davis Durfee

June 1842 – Joseph Smith (Age: 36) married Elizabeth Davis Durfee (Age: 51), who at the time was married to Jabez Durfee.

Marinda Johnson Hyde

April 1842 – Joseph Smith (Age: 36) married Marinda Johnson Hyde (Age: 27), who at the time was married to Orson Hyde.

Patty Bartlett Sessions

March 1842 – Joseph Smith (Age: 36) married Patty Bartlett Sessions (Age: 47), who at the time was married to David Sessions. She is the mother of Sylvia Lyon.

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