Joseph Smith Changed 1 Corinthians 15:40
If you’ve ever wondered why Mormons believe in three kingdoms in heaven, it comes from 1 Corinthians 15:40.
If you’ve ever wondered why Mormons believe in three kingdoms in heaven, it comes from 1 Corinthians 15:40.
Nobody can see God’s face in this life and continue living. This is speaking of the Father, for He is Spirit.
Mormons come preaching a false Jesus, apostasy, restoration, atonement, plan of salvation, pre-existence, and more. Satan is leading their charge.
Mormons are scared to know the truth. Asking them to visit a website outside their church is a no go. Same goes for videos calls.
There is a reason why Mormons doubt the validity of the Bible, and it comes from the Book of Mormon.
Before you get the Mormon discussions, let me help you understand how these beliefs are false according to the Bible.
Mormons deny the teaching in Revelation 21:1, where it says New Jerusalem will come down from heaven.
November 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Fanny Young (Age: 56).
September 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Melissa Lott (Age: 19).
July 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Desdemona Fullmer (Age: 32).
June 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Rhoda Richards (Age: 58), who was the widow of Ebenezer Damon.
June 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Elvira Cowles Holmes (Age: 29), who at the time was married to Jonathon Holmes.
Mid 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Olive Frost (Age: 27), who was at the time married to Parley P. Pratt.
Mid 1843 – Joseph (Age: 37) married Hanna Ells (Age: 29).
May 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Helen Mar Kimball (Age: 14).
June 1842 – Joseph Smith (Age: 36) married Sarah Kingsley Cleveland (Age: 54), who at the time was married to John Cleveland.
May 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Lucy Walker (Age: 17).
April 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Almera Johnson (Age: 30), the sister of Delcena Sherman.
March 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Emily Dow Partridge (Age: 19), and her sister Eliza Maria Partridge (Age: 22).
Spring 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Flora Ann Woodworth (Age: 16).
February 1843 – Joseph Smith (Age: 37) married Ruth Vose Sayers (Age: 33), who at the time was married to Edward Sayers.
1843 – Joseph (Age: 37) married Nancy Winchester (Age: 14).
August 1842 – Joseph Smith (Age: 36) married Martha McBride Knight. (Age: 37), who was the widow of Vinson Knight.
July 1842 – Joseph Smith (Age: 36) married Sarah Ann Whitney (Age: 17).
June 1842 – Joseph Smith (Age: 36) married Eliza R. Snow (Age: 38).
July 1842 – Joseph Smith (Age: 36) married Delcena Sherman (Age: 37), who was the widow of Lyman Sherman. She is the sister of Almera Johnson.
June 1842 – Joseph Smith (Age: 36) married Sarah Kingsley Cleveland (Age: 54), who at the time was married to John Cleveland.
June 1842 – Joseph Smith (Age: 36) married Elizabeth Davis Durfee (Age: 51), who at the time was married to Jabez Durfee.
April 1842 – Joseph Smith (Age: 36) married Marinda Johnson Hyde (Age: 27), who at the time was married to Orson Hyde.
March 1842 – Joseph Smith (Age: 36) married Patty Bartlett Sessions (Age: 47), who at the time was married to David Sessions. She is the mother of Sylvia Lyon.