Evangelize: Downtown Boise Centered On Jesus
As the night went on, I was able to hand out a devotional card on Jesus to one lady who openly took one. Her words were, “I love Jesus, thank you for the card”.
As the night went on, I was able to hand out a devotional card on Jesus to one lady who openly took one. Her words were, “I love Jesus, thank you for the card”.
It is a blessing to share the love of Christ with others. My heart swells just thinking of people accepting Jesus as Lord.
Lift up the Lord in all you do. Let His light shine in your life. In persecution stand strong in your faith.
What Jesus gives is eternal. When Jesus saves us we are washed clean from our sins. We are welcomed into His presence, when we die.
Let the Name of Jesus be written in your hearts. Pray that He will always be with you. When all is said and done let your life give praise to the Lord.
I learned that Joseph Smith had three versions of the first vision. That the Book of Abraham was found to be a false translation.
Thank You Jesus for saving me. My eyes have been opened. I have been rescued from this world. I love You!