Joseph Smith: Examining 5 Of His Revelations
Joseph Smith was the first prophet of Mormonism. Let us look at 5 things that he revealed to the world to see if they are on par with the Bible.
Joseph Smith was the first prophet of Mormonism. Let us look at 5 things that he revealed to the world to see if they are on par with the Bible.
Do not be deceived into following any teaching from a seducing spirit. Trust in God and read the Bible that you may not be led astray.
This is the time to make our lives right with the Lord. We must be familiar with what the Bible teaches or else we will be easily deceived by doctrines that resemble God’s Word.
The Lord spoke to my heart when I was caught up in my wicked ways. He was loving enough to take me in but also just in His dealings with me.
Know that if the Bible is teaching something contrary to your faith than there is something wrong with it and not the Book.
Jesus taught of false christs in the world today. His coming is soon. Be watchful and ready when He does come.
The Lord expects more of His followers than just Sunday worship. We are to seek Him daily and follow His teachings.