Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and it is not our own. Each time you defile it with pornography and then masturbation, you are driving out the Spirit of God.
Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and it is not our own. Each time you defile it with pornography and then masturbation, you are driving out the Spirit of God.
If your hearts are down and need help, then raise your voices and call out to the Lord. Speak freely what is on your mind. He beckons us to come to Him.
When your flesh feels disappointed by the shame brought in by sin, let the Lord change your desires that you may feel true joy.
If your heart has drawn cold to the things of God, then wake up from your slumber. No longer be on the fence of doing God’s will over what the world offers.
God is calling out everyone that is living in sin to repent. This prideful lifestyle has no part in the kingdom of God.
Today, I saw this homeless man standing on this street corner with a sign. Every car was just passing him by, even those that were stopped didn’t care for his needs.
Jesus loves you. He paid the price for our sins on the cross that we might be forgiven. He gave us a chance to live again if we believe and follow Him.
Oh Lord, my God, how blessed I am to feel Your amazing grace in my life. There were many years that I fell away into addiction but You still came for me.
Be prayerful always that God may be with You. It is my prayer that You open your mind to Him. We will not be able to withstand false teachings if our faith is not rooted in truth.
Share the love of Jesus to the lost. Tell them of His great mercy and love for all that come to Him.
The day our hearts are given solely to the Lord is the day our lives are changed. We will begin to pray more often and seek to learn through the Bible.
No longer walk in darkness but seek the light of Christ. Accept Him into your lives and put on the armor of God.
It is our faith in Christ that changes our lives. Through the grace of God we have hope for a better day. Our lives are changed and the veil is removed from our eyes.
Oh Lord, I praise your Name above all Names. Holy, holy is your Name. You stand supreme. Mighty are your works. Worthy is the lamb who died for all mankind.
Nothing compares to the joy in the Lord. In His presence, I am one with God. I learn so much each time I seek His face.
What God has joined in this marriage is a perfect union. Though I don’t always make it this way, this is what He desires.
Seek The Lord’s love and not your own. Be patient with others. Be kind and considerate of others feelings.
Give your whole heart to Jesus. Give up a life of sin. Let Jesus change you from within. Let Him heal your heart. That we can be made alive in Him.
As you love Jesus also love your spouse. We need to love our spouse as much as we love Him. Let Jesus be the center of your marriage.