I’ll be out of town hiking, starting on July 30th through August 2nd. The plan is to go up to Stanley, Idaho, and hike into the Trinity Lake. It will be five miles and mostly uphill until we get there. This will be a difficult endeavor, as I have not hiked for over three years. Please pray for me and my brother-in-law and niece that will be with me. That we will be safe and that God will be watching over us. This means that devotionals will be on hold until I get back. In the meantime, I will be providing some important links to pages on my site that will really help you grow in your faith in Jesus.
While I am away, there are many great resources to still check out. Below, you will find links to all the daily devotionals, inspirations, scriptures, and prayers. If you enjoy Christian Ministries on YouTube, a link to those are below on this site. You can worship God through music through the Christian Music page. But most of all, please continue to pray often and read the Bible daily, which there is a link to the Bible below…