Abortion is an abomination to God. Anyone involved with this is in a lot of trouble with God. His wrath is upon them. Lest these people repent, Hell is their destination.
Day: January 22, 2019
Today’s Inspiration #4 (01/22/2019)
It brings me to tears to think of all the babies being killed every day in abortion. Surely God’s wrath is upon such people that participate in these murderous acts.
Today’s Inspiration #3 (01/22/2019)
There might just be one specific sin that needs to be removed from your life before God can truly start moving in your life.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (01/22/2019)
Live your life for Jesus now. Don’t delay. You don’t know when you will die or when the Lord will return.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (01/22/2019)
If you know that God has convicted you of a specific sin, don’t sit on it, but repent and allow Him to remove it from your life.
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