The Lord desires that we fellowship with other believers at church. He desires that we grow together in the faith. However, He knows that some churches are lead astray and are contrary to His word. They may not even know it but they are deceiving many people. Some are out to gain our trust and then take our money. Some teach good principles but the teachings are nowhere to be found in the Bible. If our minds are clouded, the things they teach might sound appealing. We need to always search the Bible to know what is true and what is false. We need to have a foundation on the biblical truths or we will be deceived as well. Satan has a hold of many church leaders in this generation. We need to be strong in the faith and study the word daily. Only by doing so will we come to know the Lord. The rock of our salvation is in Jesus and His truths are in the Bible. Our faith will be reassured each day as we read the word of God.
We need to lay aside our Pride and not be caught up in our own desires. If we have been taught something that isn’t biblical cast it out. It may be hard to give up believing a false teaching but that is exactly what the Lord requires. Give your whole heart to Jesus. Let Him guide you to the truth. As we study the Bible we will become wise. Our hearts will be lead to a good Bible believing church that is founded on biblical principles. We will know the differences between biblical teachings and false doctrines. I know that the Bible is the Word of God and is inspired. If anybody says that any other book is equal or better than the bible don’t listen to them for it is false. Only by reading the Bible can we come to know Jesus and His truths. We will have a heart to worship Him. We will know that salvation is given only through Jesus. We will repent daily. We will become stronger in the faith. We will put our trust in the Lord and not of men. Read the Word of God and let its truths set you free.
2 Timothy 3:13-17
13 But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.
14 But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them,
15 and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,
17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Artist: Third Day
Album: Move (2010)
Song: Trust In Jesus
The scripture is so challenging to me 2timothy3:13-17 for sure we need to be thoroughly equipped,am a person who will love to to study God’s word to it’s fullest and other studies which can help the church to go on the next level in Christ especially here in Africa i got the diploma in biblical studies at kaniki bible university college here in Zambia,but thats not enough i want to further my education in biblical studies am the assistnce pastor at the local church where am serving with dad as senior pastor,help me to pray to pray i find school both international and locally also in the area financial breakthrough i want to study that’s my desire.bless you