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Growing Closer To Jesus Daily! "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God." (1 Corinthians 1:18) See Also: Christianity Vs Mormonism
All Messages
  • "My life is dedicated to sharing the love of Jesus to the world. I love the Lord and want everyone to come to know God. I would feel awful if I kept His joy to myself. For this reason I write devotionals, inspirations, and prayers, in order to lead people to Christ. The Holy Spirit is leading me in these efforts." -Paul Gee
  • "My life is dedicated to sharing the love of Jesus to the world. I love the Lord and want everyone to come to know God. I would feel awful if I kept His joy to myself. For this reason I write devotionals, inspirations, and prayers, in order to lead people to Christ. The Holy Spirit is leading me in these efforts. Jesus is the anchor of my soul." -Paul Gee
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Holidays Calendar
  • Christmas
  • Remember Jesus's birth during this season. He came to save us. Santa Clause is a distraction.
  • Easter
  • Jesus died to save us from our sins on the cross. He also rose from the grave the third day.
  • Halloween
  • Halloween is the day of the devil. Avoid even the appearance of evil and seek God first daily.
  • Thanksgiving
  • Remember to give God thanks during this day and all year long. God deserves our thanks and praise.
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