Death And Going To Heaven
Heaven is going to be a beautiful place for every true believer in Christ. So keep living for Jesus until your very last breathe.
Heaven is going to be a beautiful place for every true believer in Christ. So keep living for Jesus until your very last breathe.
If you start to obey God’s commands, then why not continue? Don’t go against God, for there are consequences to these actions.
If you begin to follow Jesus, but then turn away from Him, I pray that you will repent and come back, while you still have breath.
Even If we live many years for the Lord, but then depart from it because of our sins or unbelief, our salvation is lost in death.
When people begin to look to God in faith, this is when He gives us eyes to see the evildoers and who ought to repent.
Please consider being baptized if you have not already. This is when you put on Christ and obtain the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Many wicked things start to happen in a person’s life when they are not raised up in the ways of the Lord. This all changes, when children are raised up to know God.
Do not play around with fire, which is sinning willfully against God. Instead, repent and be made clean through the blood of Jesus.
Jesus Christ is alive. And now we are called to preach the gospel in all nations. The message being that Jesus died for our sins and was resurrected the third day.
Jesus died for our sins and every person that believes in and puts their trust in Him shall be saved. We give glory and praise to the Lord Jesus Christ.
God is always ready to go forth with us, even in every battle we face. He is so merciful and just, even to those that believe in His Name.
I just went out witnessing and was able to pray for a lady and give out a Bible to her grandson. Another lady was hearing the conversation from a far and was encouraged.
There is a way to judge people righteously. This is important to know, but we can only accomplish this when the Holy Spirit is with us.
God sends his servants to speak through Him, although we must be on our toes for many false prophets, like in Mormonism, are out in wolves clothing deceiving millions of people throughout the generations.
Wouldn’t it also be amazing if you were known for your love for God? I know it would be for me, as I love the Lord with all my heart.
Many people do not like to hear people say that they have done something wrong, especially when it comes to God.
In the Bible, we have great examples of people in the faith who lived up to and kept God’s commandments and therefore, did not allow idolatry to be a part of their lives.
God’s people were surrounded with no way out, but to call upon the Lord God in prayer. Even their trumpets sounded, in order to get people’s attention that God is their deliverer.
One thing that I know for sure is that I am willing to lose my life for Jesus, no matter what. I am also willing to give up buying and selling if it means having to get the mark of the beast.
The same thing that happened to Rehoboam happens to us as well, because we allow things in our lives to defile the temple of God in us.
Don’t allow the world to fool you into doing something stupid. If you are marked and then you die, then you will be kneeling in fear before God in judgment.
There is a reason why I tell you that you need Jesus in your life. The reason is that Jesus died for your sins and there is forgiveness and life eternal because of the cross and resurrection.
There was a problem with Rehoboam, even the same issue that Solomon dealt with, which was fornication and adultery.
Rehoboam was given counsel from wise men who feared God, and also those that didn’t care to make things better for the people. Here is what they both presented to the king.
In the days of Solomon, people came from a variety of different countries just to meet him in Jerusalem.
If you want to know exactly what Jesus did for us on the cross, know that it is spelled out for us all throughout the Bible, even in the Old and New testaments.
As God was speaking to Solomon, he gave him a stern warning about his life and this temple, which was built unto the Lord.
You may wonder why I mention both the Jews and Muslims. My friends, it is because they are both using ancient traditions when it comes to their prayer life.
The dwelling place for the ark of the covenant was to be in the holy of holies, in between the two cherubims.