Judgment Seat Of Christ

Jesus is our judge and calls us by name. Come before Him, who is King, that You may be accepted on that great and dreadful day.

False Apostles In Mormonism

Be not deceived into following false apostles and prophets. They come bearing another gospel, which is leading people astray.

God is Rich In Mercy

God is merciful unto every person who calls upon the Lord for forgiveness. He hears our confessions and knows our hearts.

Utah Mission Trip (04/04/21)

Preaching the good news of the cross and resurrection, even door to door. There was so much fruit, all thanks to God.

Utah Mission Trip (04/05/21)

Time with God in His Word cannot be replaced. His wisdom for us is incomparable. I love the Bible. That is why I preach.

Utah Mission Trip (04/06/21)

When we go out in faith for Christ, this is when He also does a work in us like no other. Open your mouth and He will fill it.

Rebuking False Teachers

False teachers need to be called out, in order to lead them and others to Jesus. Only He can open their eyes and save them.


Our faith in Jesus is the most important thing to have in this life. Nothing is more important than submitting our lives to Him.

An Untamed Tongue

Our tongue can get us in a lot of trouble. Only God can help tame it, that we may speak kind words and not curse words.

Joseph Smith Has Led Millions of People Astray

One day in judgment, every Mormon will eventually find out that their religion was false. Then will they wish they listened to true Christians and, most importantly, God while in their lifetime.