Run And Finish The Race

It is important that we start the race for Jesus and the gospel’s sake, and then finish it well. Rewards are then given out.

The New Walk As A Christian

No matter what we were doing that we enjoyed before finding Jesus, if it went against God’s holy standards, it is given up.

Godly Sorrow

If you are living in sin or have recently sinned against God, then you need to cry out to the Lord for forgiveness.

The Love Of Money

It is the love of money that causes many people to go astray and to seek after the things of the world instead of God.

Chastisement From God

Sin and unbelief are what keeps us from following Jesus and being saved. If only they let God into their lives.

Suffering As A Christian

Christians suffer a lot. Persecutions come, as people try to still our joy. But in prayer, we are given the strength to overcome.