Joseph Smith was a False Prophet, Pedophile, Polygamist and an Adulterer. He even married a mother and her daughter. Beware!
Inspirations (02-2019)
Today’s Inspiration (02/11/2019)
Will You follow Jesus till the end? If you believe now, learn to devote Your time to the Lord. This is true faith with meaning.
Today’s Inspiration (02/10/2019)
Many people believe in Jesus but do not follow Him. If they did, then they would also be His witnesses and be used by Him.
Today’s Inspiration #3 (02/09/2019)
Pray that God may lead you out of temptation. In your confessions, ask that He free you from any sins that is holding you back.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (02/09/2019)
All of us have something in our lives that God hates. You know what this is as much as He does, so turn from it today.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (02/09/2019)
Though it is hard to see someone die, it is much easier to deal with, knowing that the person had faith in and followed Jesus.
Today’s Inspiration #4 (02/08/2019)
I don’t always know what to say but when I trust in God, He opens my mouth and speaks through me. There is no more fear or doubt.
Today’s Inspiration #3 (02/08/2019)
When Jesus comes into our lives all we want to do His follow Him and have more and more of His holiness in our lives.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (02/08/2019)
Oh how I love Jesus. The Lord is my life and gives me every reason to live. I have so much hope because of His sacrifice for sins.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (02/08/2019)
The praise of Jesus, my Lord, is in my heart and soul all the day long. And when speaking to people His love shines forth.
Today’s Inspiration #3 (02/07/2019)
Allow the Lord to use you to share the gospel. You will then be filled with the Holy Spirit, that you may have words to speak.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (02/07/2019)
We need more people to be a witness for Jesus but so few people are willing to get out there and be used by Him. How about you?
Today’s Inspiration #1 (02/07/2019)
Honor the Lord not only by what you say but what you do also for Him. Do not be a hypocrite but a true follower of Jesus.
Today’s Inspiration #3 (02/06/2019)
Please know that while you live in willful sin, the Holy Spirit will not be with you. Until you break free, you will be in bondage.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (02/06/2019)
All secret sins will one day come to light. If not now, they will in judgment. So make peace with God while you have the chance.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (02/06/2019)
So many people have secret sins. My question is, why do this? It is so much better to confess them and forsake them before God.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (02/05/2019)
The new full-term abortion bill in New York is truly outrageous and God’s anger is kindled against every person that is for it.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (02/05/2019)
It is game over when a person gets caught looking at porn. Every secret is exposed. Know that this should cause a person to repent.
Today’s Inspiration (02/04/2019)
There is nobody on earth that even compares to Jesus, our Lord. He is our God and all the glory and honor goes to Him.
Today’s Inspiration (02/03/2019)
Keeping God’s commandments and being obedient to Him is often disregarded. Those that say they believe, but do not do what Jesus says, is a liar and does not know Him or love Him.
Today’s Inspiration #3 (02/02/2019)
Come and give your life to Christ today. Our Lord Jesus is waiting for you to come unto Him. Who will respond to His call?
Today’s Inspiration #2 (02/02/2019)
There is a new man or woman waiting in Christ Jesus. Everyone that comes to Him is reborn in His blood.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (02/02/2019)
For Jesus, I am delighted to walk in His ways. His commands I obey and love with all my heart. It is an honor to do the will of my God.
Today’s Inspiration (02/01/2019)
Cross dressing is an abomination to God. If you are into this stuff, then repent, for God’s wrath is upon you.
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