I pray that more people will join me in God’s harvest. Go all in with Christ the Lord and you will be made courageous.
Inspirations (08-2018)
Today’s Inspiration (08/30/2018)
Call upon the name of the Lord Jesus and confess your sins today. Allow His blood to cover you and be made clean.
Today’s Inspiration (08/29/2018)
As those in Christ, we are honest people. We strive to say what is right and do what God would have us do. The Lord is with us.
Today’s Inspiration (08/28/2018)
Vaping is as bad as smoking. Quit today and allow the Lord to heal you from your addiction. God can help you.
Today’s Inspiration (08/27/2018)
Are you wise in your own eyes or wise in God’s understanding? Don’t be a fool and rely on what you already know.
Today’s Inspiration (08/26/2018)
We as Christians can be deceived by Satan. Abide in the Lord, lest you be one of them. Be found seeking God often in prayer.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (08/25/2018)
We are incapable of loving as Christ does, but with Him in our lives, we gain the true capacity to love one another as He does.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (08/25/2018)
We are in good hands with Christ the Lord in our lives. He gives us over to being honest and loving to those people around us.
Today’s Inspiration (08/24/2018)
God’s wrath is upon the wicked but His mercy is also upon those that repent. Therefore, love your enemies and pray for them.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (08/23/2018)
Abiding in the Lord is what keeps us on the right path and in His light. Otherwise there is only darkness.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (08/23/2018)
Be a witness for Christ. Allow the Lord to use you for His kingdom. Follow His counsel and be led in His light.
Today’s Inspiration (08/22/2018)
lift up one another. Love on others, even where they are now in their sins. May they find encouragement through you and the Lord.
Today’s Inspiration (08/21/2018)
Deep down, we all know when we sin. Please do not cover it up but be open about it with God and man. Come to Jesus and repent!
Today’s Inspiration (08/20/2018)
As Christians, we are not to go to the bars or to get drunk. Instead, we are sober minded and allow the Holy Spirit to come in.
Today’s Inspiration (08/19/2018)
If your faith is in Jesus, I ask, is it alive? Are you filled with the Holy Spirit or is your faith dry? Think about it.
Today’s Inspiration #3 (08/18/2018)
I love the Lord with all my heart and soul. With everything I am, I give God praise. It is a pleasure to serve Him, for He is my rock.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (08/18/2018)
Jesus suffered and died for our sins on the cross. The third day He rose from the dead. The Lord is alive!
Today’s Inspiration #1 (08/18/2018)
Oh how I love You, Jesus. You are my Lord and the one who gives life. Thank You for saving me and bringing me into Your light.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (08/17/2018)
If your ears are closed off to God now, I plead for you to humble yourself and repent. Believe in and learn of the Lord God who saves.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (08/17/2018)
The Lord is asking us to listen to Him. That our ears are open to His counsel. In this, we will receive divine Knowledge from God.
Today’s Inspiration (08/16/2018)
Those that are humble are taught by the Lord. There open heart to Him allows God to come in and do His will in their lives.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (08/15/2018)
Nobody can bear us up like Christ does. Nobody could be so compassionate and loving as Jesus. His mercy endures forever.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (08/15/2018)
True life begins when a person gives there life to Christ. His mercy is upon them and are given over unto a life of righteousness.
Today’s Inspiration (08/14/2018)
If you believe in Jesus and have not been baptized, why not commit do so today? This shows your commitment to Christ.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (08/13/2018)
Come and move inside of us Lord. Breathe on us the Holy Spirit. Our hearts are Yours. Lead us in the way of righteousness.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (08/13/2018)
Follow Jesus and not man. Lift up the Lord God in prayer and worship. Give Him thanks and bless His holy Name. For He is mighty to save.
Today’s Inspiration (08/12/2018)
Always remember Jesus. Keep Him in your heart each day. Seek Him often and His love will come and light up your life.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (08/11/2018)
Till the end of time, does the Lord God extend out His matchless arms of mercy to receive us as sinners. His love is for all.
Today’s Inspiration #1 (08/11/2018)
Jesus is everything to me. His love is healing to my soul. He is my Savior, Redeemer and Lord of all.
Today’s Inspiration (08/10/2018)
It is hard to find a faithful man and woman of God. A person that is sober minded, loves the Lord and walks in His ways.
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