Oh Lord, thank You for all that You do for us. Surely, as we seek Your hand You bestow so many blessings upon us. It is hard to even count all the many things that...
Day: March 5, 2020
Matthew 25:28-30
Matthew 25 :28-30 (KJV)
28 Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents.
29 For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance:...
Today’s Inspiration (03/05/2020)
God knows who is doing things with what He gives them and who is not. People will be blessed or punished by what they do.
God Takes Away From The Wicked And Gives To The Righteous
For you to understand the full parable of the talents, you must read Matthew 25, verses 14 through 30.
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