Proverbs 22:11,12

Proverbs 22 :11,12 (KJV)
11 He that loveth pureness of heart, for the grace of his lips the king shall be his friend.
12 The eyes of the Lord preserve knowledge, and he overthroweth the...

Proverbs 22:9

Proverbs 22 :9 (KJV)
9 He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for he giveth of his bread to the poor.

Proverbs 22:4-6

Proverbs 22 :4-6 (KJV)
4 By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, and honour, and life.
5 Thorns and snares are in the way of the froward: he that doth keep his...

Are You Right With God Or Man?

In this life, God is able to use us for His good. Even as parents, we are able to help raise up children that love the Lord.

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