2 Corinthians 9:6-7 (KJV)
6 But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.
7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
Donate To: Christianity Vs Mormonism
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Christianity Vs Mormonism is a ministry dedicated to reaching Mormons with the truth of the Bible. This is done through
videos, and
charts and so much more. There is also the
KJV Bible to read, study, and listen to, along with
Christian Music, and
Movies to watch. And in order to have the funds for this site,
evangelism efforts, and mission trips, donations are needed. Please consider supporting this ministry if you haven’t already.
Donate To: Daily Christian Devotioanls
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Daily Christian Devotionals is a ministry dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to all the world. This is done through daily
inspirations, and
prayers. Important
scripture references are also added daily, in order to help people get more in tune with God and His Word. There is also the
KJV Bible to read, study, and listen to, along with
Christian Music,
Ministries, and
Movies to watch. And in order to have the funds for this site,
evangelism efforts, and mission trips, donations are needed. Please consider supporting this ministry if you haven’t already.
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Final Nations is a ministry of YWAM (Youth With a Mission.) We are an empowering movement of people from all nations and nationalities. We respond to the call of the great commission to go to all people groups in the world who have not yet heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Donate now and help us in our part to seeing The Great Commission completed in our own lifetime.
PayPal is a ripoff. I’ve lost money w/o any help to recover my money. He How else can I donate???
If you click on donate for Daily Christian Devotionals, you will see an option to donate via PayPal or credit card. I hope this helps. God bless you.
What happens when you click on resign?
I want to donate to Gabe the street preacher and wife ,little confused is this the place to get monies to them
I would like to donate by personal check. How would I do that.
The donate options are via PayPal currently. Just select the ministry above and you will many options to donate monthly, one time, and via credit card and more. God bless you for wanting to support the ministry at Daily Christian Devotionals.