Galatians 2:4,5 (KJV)
4 And that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage:
5 To whom we gave place by subjection, no, not for an hour; that the truth of the gospel might continue with you.
Day: May 3, 2019
Today’s Prayer (05/03/2019)
Oh Lord, I pray that every Mormon will one day have an understanding of the deception that they are under. This I pray that they may leave what it false behind and repent and come unto You. Truly, their prophets have led millions of people astray and they are on a path to destruction because of this. These teachings are truly leading them to believe in the doctrines of men and not Your doctrines, Lord. Satan has used people to muddy up Your words, that they may not understand the real truth. Because their prophets now say and teach things that the Bible is either quiet on or is contrary to, these people easily accept it without thinking. This is the problem Lord. We have a generation of men, women and children who are relying on men to lead them and not You and Your Words. Because they have not allowed Your Words to be a lamp unto their feet, they have allowed this darkness to come into their lives. They have even put a vail over their faces and become hard hearted to Your messengers, because of what they are taught. This has really been a great hindrance to the evangelists that only wish to lead them unto You, Lord. So I pray that people in that church will have an awakening of the Spirit. Help them understand what it means to be a follower of You. Give them desires to search Your scriptures and only take heed to what the Bible teaches above all else. And when they discover that their teachings are wrong, convict them of their sins, that they may repent and leave the church behind. This I pray that they will leave it and go all in for You, Jesus. You are the only way to salvation. No church can replace You. I love You and trust in You above all things. Amen.
Today’s Inspiration #2 (05/03/2019)
Do you hunger and thirst after God’s Word or do you just tell people, “I’ve read it before”? Where is your heart towards God?
Today’s Inspiration #1 (05/03/2019)
False teachers are among us. Don’t let them get the upper hand. Instead, rely on what the Bible teaches above all things.
False Teachers Among Us
Please know that God is not a God of confusion. That is why he spoke to men throughout the Bible and taught them the right way to live their lives and to obey the Lord God.